I'm wondering where I can find Revan's mask in the game. I downloaded Mono_Giganto's mask, but nowhere in the readme did if say where to find it in game. I don't want to have to cheat to get it, by the way. If there is someone here who could possibly make placeables for it in game that would be great.
Removed rule violating request. Sorry but do not ask that here thanks. -RH
Mono's Revan mask was not findable in-game it was a cheat only item, if I recall correctly.
If you absolutely cannot cheat an item into your game then T7nowhere's Revan's Mask + Mod has one that is scripted into the game. You can find the release thread here in the T.U.C.E. with a download link and or at PCGameMods.com if it is working. ;)