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Redemption of Kreia/Atris as Traya

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04-13-2007, 9:38 PM
I've always wanted to redeem Kreia and have Atris as Traya in my
TSL games, but no dice. This is the only mod I really want, because
I really liked Kreia and HATED to kill her at the end. (Yep, I'm the only
one.) Does anyone know how to restore that part of the game?

As for Team Gizka, they're doing the WHOLE game with ALL the
cut content, and I swear, I just want the Atris as Traya part. :)

 Master Zionosis
04-13-2007, 10:55 PM
A mod like this would be possible, but there would be no VO's and new cutscene's would have to be made, but it is possible, and your not the only one, i like Kreia as well, personally my favorite character in TSL, thats why i made her mechanical hand mod, because i wanted to use her in her full prime. :p
04-14-2007, 12:39 AM
I've always wanted to redeem Kreia and have Atris as Traya in my
TSL games, but no dice. This is the only mod I really want, because
I really liked Kreia and HATED to kill her at the end. (Yep, I'm the only
one.) Does anyone know how to restore that part of the game?

As for Team Gizka, they're doing the WHOLE game with ALL the
cut content, and I swear, I just want the Atris as Traya part. :)

I like Kreia a lot too!

She's my favorite character. She taught me a lot, that manipulative witch.

 Darth Balor
04-14-2007, 5:06 PM
Well there is a mod in progress that does just this, AND has VO's.
Also TG is nOT doing all the content, i.e. M4-78 & Atris as Traya stuff.
04-16-2007, 9:45 AM
Kind of a dissapointment that they're not doing the Atris as Traya ending, but they have a good reason. Said that there isn't enough to restore and that they don'tlike making their own content. That's also why they aren't doing M4-78.
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