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Editing the character select screen

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04-12-2007, 10:39 PM
Is there anyway to change the names above the pictures head when you click on them. like if you click on the picture scoundrel up at the top it will say scoundrel, but i want to edit that name, anyone know where to go to do that? is it in a 2da file? cause i edted classes.2da and put it in my override folder and it didnt work.

p.s. also if anyone can tell me where to find some kotor1 maps for kotor tool i'd apreciate it.
04-13-2007, 1:55 AM
I am not sure if it will change the name in character selection, but I think that if you edit the dialog.tlk file which you can find in swkotor main file with a TLK editor. I use stoffe's TalkEd and you can get it here ( . Open the dialog.tlk file with appropriate TLK editor add a new row and put your own class name label. You will need to use the 2da file and change the label column in the scoundrel row to the appropriate line number in the dialog.tlk file. If this does not work, it is beyond me. Which is highly probable. :roll1:
 Master Zionosis
04-13-2007, 8:33 AM
You can get all the maps for the kotor tool directly from Fred Tetra's website, though whenever i try to access the download section of the KotOR Tool site i always get some fatal error thing, but i downloaded all the .map's available a little while ago, unfortunatly i can't link them as they are hotlink disabled, i can send you all the KotOR maps through email if you want just PM me it and ill send it to you, though check out the KotOR Tool site first it may work for you. :)
04-13-2007, 10:38 AM
You can get all the maps for the kotor tool directly from Fred Tetra's website, though whenever i try to access the download section of the KotOR Tool site i always get some fatal error thing

This error with the Kotortool download page should be fixed now. For future reference these site-related problems would get solved a lot quicker if people bothered to report them to the staff when they encountered them. :D
 Master Zionosis
04-13-2007, 1:49 PM
Ohh my apologies Stoffe, i didn't realize things like this could be fixed by SWK, well, if i see anymore problems like this with any SWK site ill report it asap. ;)
04-14-2007, 1:05 AM
Yureka!!! i did it. i changed the names and discription to jedi. Now i can start as a jedi :) This helps on my new kotor remake im working on. I'm going to call it Kotor:Jedi Academy(working name sofar)
Now i have step 1 completed of the project. now i need to finish step 2. coruscant(out of taris streets) and the academy(part of daveric's place). so before the weekend is up i should have the project about 40% done YAY! the hard part is now over the rest is a snap if my kotor tool doesnt stop crashing.
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