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My first atempt at reskinning- did juhani

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04-10-2007, 11:30 PM
This is my first atempt at skinning period. my first attempt is juhani.

Put this file in your overide folder
Click here to download
04-11-2007, 1:18 AM
wow, you have some skills!
I can't do better than this. You have done a good job however, i would like more details on her hair. It's a 1 color hair... i like her eyes and lips :D
04-11-2007, 9:51 AM
yea, thats where i lack skills in is muticolors, but i am trying, i'll post a reply with my new version once im done.

Edit: I may end up putting some symbol or soemthing on her face so it looks like shes half human and half catsomething that they say* in the game
04-11-2007, 2:43 PM
i am looking forward to your next version :D
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