(1) Is there anyone here who can play the amazing song on any instrument?
If i instead would have been born with some physical talent for handling a piano for example i would have spent my days reheasing on the Sam & Max Soundtrack especially The Largest Ball" seens that is the best song with "Dino Bungee National Memorial"
and my idiotic neigbour "Charles" could have played on that instrument that sounds like a duck:gungan: with major stomach illnes, thath part in the chorus of the song you know what i mean
I think its a scandal thath around the globe there have been special "Game Soundtrack Concerts" im sure you have heard about it
the problem is that the producers has choosen 90 % only play Final Fantasy crap music, lets just think about it instead, aahhh "Dino Bungee" and "The Largest Ball" live with a big band, ore "Carnival Of The Odd" with Derek Duke himself wayving with the music-stick :ears1: :shadow
If none wants to do it, we can have a solo-concert with me Kloppstock where i whissle the "Largest Ball" in Madsion Square Garden, cause im 99 % tone accurat when i whissle you see
If i where leading a jazz-band i would play "Another Idiotic and Baffling Assignment" for the paying odience and show them wath good Jazz should sound like :king1: and my band would release a CD with "R M B" influinced music, but then by surprice meerge in one track with a jazz cover on "Greetings from the USA"!
Is there still anyone with me?
(2) The enchanted S&M 1 Soundtrack that you can find on P2P sharing is that officially released?, cause it sound alot better than the ingame-music to say the least...if its a amateur project how the hell did thei do to transform thath old mono pipe to full Jazz fury as it do sound!!!!!!!!!!!??
You drop questions we simply cannot answer, thus, in order to distract from our stupidity and lack of knowledge, we'll keep our right to kill you in a painful way reserved, and might even make use of it, too. Are you okay with that?
You drop questions we simply cannot answer, thus, in order to distract from our stupidity and lack of knowledge, we'll keep our right to kill you in a painful way reserved, and might even make use of it, too. Are you okay with that?
No its not OK, I prefer to perform Harakiri on myself instead, so i not harm your precious Anduril(C)
goodbye mother earth :violin:...Allah Ackbar and all his cousins & newies... :slsaber: Oдддддд!!!!! (im dead now)
Dammit Ray, you wanted to kill him. And I wanted to make him a moderator.