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Insane Dustil Restoration

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 Princess Artemis
03-22-2007, 1:02 AM
I have no idea if anyone else has done this, but I figured I'd do it, for what little there is to restore.

Get it here: Telosian Archives (

TSL Insane Dustil Restoration
by Princess Artemis

There is a still-living Jedi inside the hidden tomb on Korriban--who is it? He says he is Dustil, he looks like Dustil, but the bag at his feet contains a datapad suggesting he may be for the visions, they are there. Disturb the bag at Dustil's feet and face hssiss after hssiss...

This is a very simple mod that restores what little there was to restore regarding Dustil in the Korriban tomb with the visions. I just added some animations to the already existing dialogue; there's nothing added or taken away except what was necessary to make it possible to talk to Dustil. You don't have to fight him if you don't want, there are two ways out of the dialogue, one where Dustil will attack, and one where he won't, so he's safe to talk to. He's not the strongest opponent you'll find in the tomb, but he's not weak either (he's been stuck in there who knows how long with hssiss, shyrak, and long-dead Jedi he may or may not have killed). The bag at his feet contains the datapad that used to be on the dead Jedi's body, and if you want to, you can keep opening the bag to force the game to spawn pairs of hssiss as many times as you like.

This is just a drag and drop affair--to install, copy n_jedicounm002.utc, dustil.dlg, and jedi_cont.utp into Override. To uninstall, delete the files.

There are several mods that include n_jedicounm002.utc in order to make that particular dead Jedi *not* look like Dustil (including many of mine), so if you want to use this mod, you'll have to check if other mods replace the file and install this mod after installing those. Or you can check in Override and see if you have a copy of that .utc file and rename it in case you want to easily change the dead Jedi back to some random guy instead of Dustil.

Thanks to Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool and tk102 for DLGEditor.

No infringement is intended against LucasArts, BioWare, or Obsidian, the copyright holders for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Please do not modify and upload this mod anywhere without my express permission.
03-22-2007, 3:16 AM
I really appreciate the format you and mjpb3 use for naming your mod archives. Thank you.
03-22-2007, 10:52 AM
Great mod Princess Artemis
 Darth Balor
03-22-2007, 5:52 PM
Awesome more restoration mods! I think it would make this mod batter if you made this change: if revan is set to female, then dustil would be OFF korriban because originally dustil was supposed to have escaped korriban in kotor if you loved carth.(as a female) And have him only appear if revan is to male. .
 Princess Artemis
03-23-2007, 12:08 PM
Thanks omfg noob and Arбtoeldar :)

Awesome more restoration mods! I think it would make this mod batter if you made this change: if revan is set to female, then dustil would be OFF korriban because originally dustil was supposed to have escaped korriban in kotor if you loved carth.(as a female) And have him only appear if revan is to male. .

I thought about getting more complicated about it, but actually, it would go DS/LS, not male or female. As far as I know, there's no gender restriction on saving Dustil in K1; it's not linked to the romance, it's linked to how much you talk to Carth. K2 assumes that a DS Revan did all things DS and an LS Revan did all things LS as well as the romances (which is why my and Jiara's Dustil NPC mod can only be used with an LS Revan). But, this is just a restoration of a very small bit of TSL that I really had very little to work with, and one could assume that a DS Revan didn't kill Dustil...Exile certainly could have heard of Carth either way from the Mandalorian War. Crazy Dustil talks about coming back to Korriban, so even if he did leave the first time, apparently he was planned to have come back for some reason by Obsidian and then scrapped pretty early.

Plus, I left some confusion in place--Dustil is standing right over a bag that contains Nebelish's datapad, suggesting the guy might not be Dustil. He might only think he is when he's actually Nebelish. Maybe he just looks like Dustil because he's a vision. Who knows?

Still, doing even that much was more than I wanted to do--it would have involved editing scripts and all sorts of things that would conflict with other mods and I didn't want to do that, I just wanted to make what little cut content there was available to be seen in-game.
03-23-2007, 5:20 PM
Oh I like this, downloading =)
 Master Michael
03-23-2007, 5:51 PM
Looks very interesting.

I have K2CarthArmor2.1 installed, and it has the n_jedicounm002.utc. Any idea what it does to the game, and what happens if I overwrite it with yours?
 Darth Balor
03-23-2007, 8:47 PM
Maybe he just looks like Dustil because he's a vision?
Well actually he wasn't meant to be a vision by OE, originaly dustil was to have escaped korriban in a cutscene in K1 but since this was cut(restorable though) OE cut this thing where he returns.

When TSLRP is released will you make this mod compatible with that one?
 Princess Artemis
03-23-2007, 10:39 PM
Looks very interesting.

I have K2CarthArmor2.1 installed, and it has the n_jedicounm002.utc. Any idea what it does to the game, and what happens if I overwrite it with yours?

Got a name on the modder for that? I'm suspecting cjt0202's Carth's Eye Searing Armor Fix? In that case, her n_jedicounm002.utc makes the Dead Jedi not look like Dustil and nothing more. Most of my mods that have to do with Dustil or Carth in K2 also have a n_jedicounm002.utc that does the same thing--figured if Obsidian were cutting Crazy Dustil out, they should finish the job and not make that dead Jedi look like Dustil.

Overwriting with this mod's n_jedicounm002.utc will make this mod work :) I don't know for sure that it will be compatible with every mod out there, but I don't see a whole lot of reasons why someone would modify n_jedicounm002.utc unless it was to make him alive or not look like Dustil.

Well actually he wasn't meant to be a vision by OE, originaly dustil was to have escaped korriban in a cutscene in K1 but since this was cut(restorable though) OE cut this thing where he returns.

I know originally they didn't intend Crazy Dustil to be a vision. I mean that for this mods purposes, it does restore content, but because of the way Obsidian cut it in the first place and made the dead Jedi (who looks just like Dustil) into Nebelish, it could be a vision. Think of it as you like.

There's a restorable part of K1 where Dustil was supposed to leave Korriban in a cut-scene?! Know off-hand if there's a mod for that or what files to nose around in?

Anyway, until Team Gizka is done, I can't say one way or another if it'll be possible to make it compatible. I do know they don't intend on restoring it because there's not enough to work with. If I can, then yes.
 Master Michael
03-24-2007, 5:03 AM
It's Carth's Eye-Searing Armor Fix and Admiral's Uniform, version 2.1. Doesn't say in the readme who made it.

If that's all it does, I'm defenitly(?) installing your mod.

Keep up the good work.
 Princess Artemis
03-24-2007, 5:09 AM
Thankya. Yeah, that's cjt0202's mod, and I know what the .utc file does in it--there won't be a problem at all with overwriting it.
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