SWG European meet-up: 24th March 2007
Event: SWG European meet-up: 24th March
Time: 24/03/07 from midday onwards (12:00).
Location: London, The Audley
Info: An opportunity for the majority of the European players of SWG to meet up, Discuss the game, have a couple of drinks and have a cracking good time - Basically our own SWG fanfest but without the devs.
The Venue will be The Audley Clicky (
http://london.openguides.org/index.cgi?Audley,_W1K_2RP). Depending on the amount of people intending to turn up, We'll have the option of the private function room.
Any one looking for a place to stay can find a list of local (ish) Hotels/Inns Here (
http://www.londontown.com/cgi-bin/hotelsearch/index.cgi?pageRequested=searchResults&cookie=630198466431&referer=%7CDOMAINREFERER%3A%7CSCRIPT%3A%2Fhotels%2) Findex.phtml%7CVERSION%3AHS_SE%7CSEARCHENGINE%3ASE __%7CMyMapsViewed%3Ab7060f55f5a5d034e6351239dd39c3 24&stage=2&arrDay=24&arrMonth=03-07&numNights=1&numRooms=1&numAdults=2&numChildren=0&language=English&preferredStarRating=&preferredLocation=CL&preferredBudget=1&userMode=selectedBudgets&callCentreReference=&location=frontpage&targetBase=&targetChain=&callCentreFrameDefined=&cachedCategoryCount=&locationId=91&tubeStation=&siteSkin=londontown&perPage=&distancefrom=&nameorbrand=&sortBy=price&PFPLanding=&switchToMapPage=&surveyMinimum=)
This is open to anyone from any server and any country, so come along! Post here if you are interested in coming so we can get an idea of the numbers.
We may have some goodies from SoE to give out to those in attendance.