I choose to go out in a cool way. This shall be my last post. So I'd like to say all this.
Smon-I wish you could have been here more. Maybe help me keep my sanity.
Zelda-I don't have to say anything.
Mashi-We've still got LJ and your forums
KingCheez-See Mashi's
Dav-Boo, you whore. DDDD:
martmeiser-you're pretty rad. You're one of the few n00bs i'll miss
Mayhem- Stay gold, Mayhem. Stay gold
Turtlefreak- Help Mayhem to stay gold. Keep it real.
Klia-I'll miss you most. Keep LJing, and I hope you get both the kids. I'm so sorry about rock.
jmac-Quit being a perv. You'll be rethinking that when you're in jail.
Sam- Quit being jmac's lacky. Indivuality is important in this world.
milo-I never really got to know you, so meh.
Itchy-You were a bitch sometimes, but you're misunderstood. I'll miss you some, but not a lot.
Now I've bid my farewells. I'll shut the internet window, than go to my room or somthing. I guess this is the end...remember me by this or somthing. (
And now, I die. ~injects cianide into neck, and collaspes into chair~