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Script for character name kotor 2 tsl

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02-15-2007, 9:46 PM
I was woundering if there is a script for a character name on the name your pc screen.
I have a new pc when i go to name selection it is not the name i gave him in the appearence.2da file, because that only deals with appearence's.
So i was woundering if it is possible to make a script that, if that character is picked his name would already be in the name selection screen.

Also i want to be able to tie that character with the scripts i already have for the game.
In otherwords if that character is picked that the scripts would fire and if not they would not fire.
Please Help!!!
02-15-2007, 9:55 PM
I am not sure I understand everything in your post but if you simply want to change you PC's name then, KSE is all what you need. You can get KSE on our website:
02-15-2007, 10:04 PM
I was woundering if there is a script for a character name on the name your pc screen.

As far as I am aware there is no way to affect what is happening at character creation, and you can't change the name of a character via scripts. So I don't think this is possible to do.

In otherwords if that character is picked that the scripts would fire and if not they would not fire.

You could do that by checking the appearance type of the main character to see if it matches the line number of your new appearance in appearance.2da. You can use the GetAppearanceType() function for this, like:

if (GetAppearanceType(GetFirstPC()) == 680) {
// Do something here if the main character uses the appearance
// defined on line number 680 in appearance.2da...
02-15-2007, 10:12 PM
I am not sure I understand everything in your post but if you simply want to change you PC's name then, KSE is all what you need. You can get KSE on our website:

Sorrry if i did not make it clear.
I am saying that if i pick a my pc's head on the character selection screen, the next thing is to pick a name for him.
So i was just woundering if there is a script that if i pick this pc head that his name would automaticaly be in the character name screeen when i click on it.

You could do that by checking the appearance type of the main character to see if it matches the line number of your new appearance in appearance.2da. You can use the GetAppearanceType() function for this, like (snip)

It sounds like i would have to put my script in the enclosed brackets of the if function. So i tried this and it worked.
void main()
if (GetAppearanceType(GetFirstPC()) == 671)

Thanks Again Stoffe you are agreat help
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