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Trying to start a game...

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02-15-2007, 1:42 PM
hi all, long time since i've been here. Ill cut to it though.

I try to start up battlefront 2 on my computer, and this pops up:

I've just installed it, and entered the correctproduct key, of course. Have i got to turn something off? I know my computer can handle it, so i'm pretty lost.
02-15-2007, 1:48 PM
Hmm... I think something screwy with the programming have you checked troubleshooting?
02-15-2007, 3:52 PM
...yes. And no forums seem to have any useful information on it. And i posted it in the tech part because people actually go there ;)
02-26-2007, 2:40 AM
:crybaby: Ask lucasarts for help that happend to me they say its a bug try buying a new one dang game :crybaby:
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