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Question about clothing

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02-15-2007, 11:16 AM
I have two questions and also am seeking a little advise. The questions are as follows is there a way to make a blouse & skirt or dress for a female character to wear? And the second question is that when I put armor on my character (one that I changed the texture on) anytime I leave an area or save and return to the game the character is no longer wearing the outfit. I redid a texture but when I add it to the override and try use it in game it's not there. I checked the size and resaved it as 32bit just to make sure but still nothing.
02-18-2007, 11:05 PM
1. No, that would require a new model. New models aren't really doable right now.

2. What is the nature of your reskin? What did you change?
02-19-2007, 11:07 AM
What is the nature of your reskin? What did you change?

I changed some of the colors and the name and then used the KSE editor to give it to my character.

What is it, though? An armor reskin, or something else?
Sorry, yeah it's regular clothes.
02-19-2007, 1:02 PM
What is it, though? An armor reskin, or something else?

Edit: Ok, basic clothing. So, all you did was modify and existing texture and save it, as it's original name, in the override folder? Each character's clothing is specific to that character alone: if you reskinned, say, Visas's clothing and then give it to your PC, it'll come out looking like the normal outfit that the PC usually wears as clothing, and not looking like Visas's default robe.
03-01-2007, 10:26 AM
I have the light exoskeleton fixed up and changed to a regular set of clothes. When i first put it on I can see that the character is wearing it but when I leave one area to go to another the character is wearing default clothes. The same thing happens if i save and quit when I load my game back up the character is not wearing the outfit i want. I renamed it PFBBSO1 and the character is wearing it, but i don't understand the changing clothes.

How do i make it so that no matter what i have them wear - armor wise they appear only in the regular outfit?
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