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Codecs for KOTOR files

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 Darth Savath
02-12-2007, 10:37 PM
Is there any way to play KOTOR files, like their music or video files on my computer without having to turn on the game?

Any converting I have to do? Or codecs I have to download?

My current computer does not play the game, and I dont want to go through the game to see certain clips.

so is there any way to access these files and play them on lets say Windows Media Player?

I tried just entering the folders, but every time they open up in WMP, it says I dont have the proper codecs to play the file.

Thanks for the help
02-13-2007, 11:28 AM
You'll need RAD game tools to play the videos.

And Miles Sound Tool to play the sound files.
 Darth Savath
02-13-2007, 2:07 PM
Wow, that worked like a charm, thanks alot.

One last question though... I was able to convert the movies, but I was not able to find a way to convert the music files so they would be playable with a normal media player... any suggestions?

Also, should I be able to play the files in the Lips folder?
02-13-2007, 2:16 PM
The files in the lip folder are the lipsync files. They aren't sound files.

You may want to have a look at the music section in this thread:

I'm moving this thread at Holowan labs as it has nothing to see with troubleshooting kotor.

And welcome to the forums :)
02-13-2007, 5:15 PM
One last question though... I was able to convert the movies, but I was not able to find a way to convert the music files so they would be playable with a normal media player... any suggestions?You can take the file's .wav extension and change into an .mp3 extension and play with WinAmp and it will work there.
 Darth Savath
02-14-2007, 8:18 PM
Thanks alot guys, everything works great now.
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