Is that the Pink Panther?
I hope to god that's his thumb.
I believe thats his tail.
I remember when I was like seven and there was no better time than putting a cat's tail between its legs and making it look like a big furry ole wang. Simpler times.
OMG....that's scary.
Wow Eric you sure owned me wow I'll get right on cutting myself and bleeding black blood and starting a blog wow I am owned on the internet.
That's right son, you best not be showing your face around these parts of town anymore. We know about your types...
no wait i love him
why did you drive him out of town
i will slit your throat
You should kill that perv, Jmac, Cheez. Kill him.
Wow Eric you sure owned me wow I'll get right on cutting myself and bleeding black blood and starting a blog wow I am owned on the internet.
When you come up with something better the jokes get better, we're dealing with an unstimulated market here, much like your unstimulated member, by others at least.