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mjpb3's Hispanic Dancer's Outfit Fix

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01-21-2007, 5:58 PM
I don't think I've seen another mod that fixes the problem with the hispanic dancer's outfit, and I did do a quick search, but I may not have used the correct term(s) to search for. If there is another mod like this, please just disregard this post. :D


I made a new mod that fixes a problem I noticed in the standard appearance.2da file directly from Obsidian.

While working on another mod, I noticed -- quite by accident -- that the hispanic dancer's outfit body was pointing to the black dancer's outfit body. Err, okay...

I thought that quite weird, so as with everything else associated with the hispanic models, I pointed the dancer's outfit to the asian textures of the dancer's outfit, but that was too light in color!

So, my final solution was to make *new* dancer's outfit textures specifically for the hispanic body model, and it worked and these look loads better that what was already there.

I know this is nitpicky since there are only two hispanic females in the game, but some people might actually play those females. And hey -- it was Obsidian's carelessness, not mine. I just "fixed" it. :D


Please view the mod page for installation instructions.


Here's the link:


As always, feedback is welcomed.

01-21-2007, 9:14 PM
While I won't use this mod I commend you on your hard work. :)
01-22-2007, 8:12 PM
Great taned skin :bounce1:
01-24-2007, 11:48 AM
added it to my collection.
02-27-2007, 7:19 PM
Would any mod be so kind and change the name of this thread to
[K2] mjpb3's Hispanic Dancer's Outfit Fix?


Mod note: Done. ~M
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