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Jedi Master Party

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 Anakin Skywalker
12-29-2006, 4:41 PM
I am making a Mod, which replaces all party members... except Bao-Dur, HK-47, and Kreia with Jedi Masters and Sith Lords (< only with Hanharr).... I will not tell who... but I need a puppet made for who I'm replacing Mira/Hanharr with.... this incompetent computer won't script.... and I need someone to make a Gizka for Mira, and a Rancor puppet for Hanharr... the Gizka's name is Silri, and the Rancor's name is Durza. Thanks in advance to whoever could do this.... you will get considerable mention for making the puppets....
01-01-2007, 2:24 PM
When is it going to be relished???????????????????????

To everyone a future note: Posts like this one will now simply be deleted, they serve no real constructive purpose other than to 'bump' a thread (against our rules) and to irritate the mod makers. -RH
 Anakin Skywalker
01-01-2007, 4:13 PM
I still need the Gizka and Rancor....... plus I'm still working on dialogue, I do not know when, but I am not giving a date, as I don't know if it will be ready by then......
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