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We have a key (I think)...WOK and lightmap answers around the corner?

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 Darth InSidious
12-29-2006, 12:37 PM
999dia is an unused TSL module. It consists of a flat plane, with a floor that seems to be meant to be made of metal. It is very large, and totally flat. It has lightmaps, walkmesh, etc. But, as I said, it is flat. Which means it is ideal for finding out stuff about walkmesh and lightmaps.

I've already done a basic experiment involving the lightmaps, which has told me so far that lightmaps are applied from the top down, at least in this instance. This particular lightmap file is 256x256, and divided into 16 squares. The squares are mapped so that the bottom-left corner of the lightmap corresponds with the bottom-left corner of the map.

I believe ('though I intend to test this later) that if I raised a pyramidal shape somewhere on the model, then exported and reloaded it, I would need to create another four squares on the lightmap roughly corresponding to where it was, in order to make it other than a black blob.

So it seems that new area models may not be so far away after all.

Sleheyron arena, anyone?
12-29-2006, 3:12 PM
I thought the other area model problem was still in the difficulty of importing/exporting those models because of size as well? At least this has been my run ins previously.
 Darth InSidious
12-29-2006, 3:22 PM
Didn't know about that one...

The model in question has four auroralight dummies, leading me to suspect that there is some correlation between the number of dummies (emitters?) and the number of squares, since there are sixteen in the lightmap.

for the walkmesh, I have no ideas...
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