I am Linus, a ''Veteran'' Modder with Star Wars Battlefront II, and I want to learn how to mod Knights of the old Republic.
I have the KotoR Tool and Adobe Photoshop CS2 installed. What shall I do now?
P.S : Sorry for bad grammar. :D
- Linus
For skinning, the best place to start would be the Sticky Tutorials listed at the top of Holowan. We've categorized them depending on the area(s) of modding.
For Skinning & Modeling:
After you look over those, feel free to ask more questions that perhaps weren't answered :)
and Welcome to the Forums! :waive1:
I am Linus, a ''Veteran'' Modder with Star Wars Battlefront II, and I want to learn how to mod Knights of the old Republic.
Well i have no experiance modding for BTFRNT2, but there are several different mod types
1)all round modder /me
2)skinner /svosh
3)moddeler /svosh
4)scripters /lit ridl
5)tool guys /fred terta/TK102
i would start off making basic items, thats what i did!
Good luck!