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WIP Several Lightsaber Hilts

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12-07-2006, 5:30 PM
Shem wanted me to make some hilts, so I'm going to get around to it. He provided me with a lot of great reference images, so in the past 24 hours I've put together four half-finished hilts (models are done, just not mapped or textured). I'd like to include at least a half dozen, if not more. A couple samples are below, and I'm open to other suggestions as well. I'd prefer to steer clear of film hilts, though. They've been beaten to death at this point.

Ignore the reflections. I was playing with the renderer... :p ( (
12-07-2006, 10:47 PM
I like the second, but I would be concerned about it clipping on the hand. ( but what weapons don't clip the hands in KotoR :p What's the tri count?
12-07-2006, 11:16 PM
Tri count on the second one is roughly 1000 according to max, if I remember correctly. Doesn't look like it, but... eh. I enjoy going overboard in KotOR because the engine can at least handle it. I'm used to Jedi Academy, which is so painfully limited... :p

If the guards clip I'll simply remove them. I've modeled them separately for that purpose. I don't forsee too many problems if I manage it right, but I don't particularly like making too many concessions.
12-07-2006, 11:53 PM
very creative and unique stuff Inyri
12-08-2006, 12:24 AM
1000 triangles is fine for KotOR, I try to keep my models at or below 1000. though I have a few that go well over 1500 triangles.

svцsh and Mono are the low poly kings though. It takes real skill to make a low poly model and still have it come out sweet.

One thing you have to watch for in max though is that you set the poly counter to triangles and not polys ;)
12-08-2006, 1:20 AM
Eh, T7, nicely done...Eh, a question, is curved lightsaber hilts usable in KOTOR series? like the one with Ashjj, Count Dooku?

Besides, I can make some of lightsabers via 3ds max, if you need help.
12-08-2006, 2:02 AM
Yes they are. There are a few curved hilt models out there curently. One of the first was Chainz.2da's Segan Wyndth saber. I believe Svosh also made a Dooku hilt that found it's way into the USM or it was in some other Svosh mod.

Inyri great sabers I like the 2nd one best.
12-08-2006, 6:51 PM
12-09-2006, 4:53 PM
#9 (

This should be that last one, I think. Seemed like the most interesting one (other than that first one, which is crazy... that would take me longer :p). Haven't *quite* finished the model detail.
12-10-2006, 2:30 PM
Very cool work!
12-11-2006, 12:12 AM
#11 (

Fully textured, unless I've forgotten some bits. All the funky material effects have been removed, so this is 100% the texture showing. No lighting effects, even. I will be adding a chromy shader in-game, though, so some of the finer details may disappear. I'll try and keep as much of it visible as I can, though.
12-11-2006, 2:37 AM
Wow, that's a great lookin' saber!!! Well done.
12-11-2006, 1:08 PM
#13 (

Fully textured, unless I've forgotten some bits. All the funky material effects have been removed, so this is 100% the texture showing. No lighting effects, even. I will be adding a chromy shader in-game, though, so some of the finer details may disappear. I'll try and keep as much of it visible as I can, though.

Excellent sabers.

12-11-2006, 2:42 PM
#14 (

In-game shot. It ended up being rather... large, so I may have to scale it down a bit so it doesn't seem like he's holding an over-sized pipe.
12-11-2006, 3:08 PM
Hey Inyri, I thought I would add a little tip that I use when rigging lightsabers. If you want to make the (N)PC hold the hilt lower down you can do this by raising your hilts pivot point after you have aligned it to the old hilt and hit resetxform. You just need to select your hilt in the scene and set it to affect pivot only the more you raise the pivot up the lower the character will hold the saber.
12-11-2006, 8:56 PM
svцsh and Mono are the low poly kings though. It takes real skill to make a low poly model and still have it come out sweet.

Coincidentally, I happen to have the most difficult time UV-mapping some of that stuff. Low poly tends to stretch faces. I'm still trying to finish up a blaster I've had for around a month. Thanks, though. :p

Sabers are looking good, Inyri. Mesh and texture both superb. :thumbsup:

Now, let's see a shot with a rendered blade. I know you know how to do it. :p
12-11-2006, 10:29 PM
12-13-2006, 9:05 AM
A little late to the party (you know me ;) ) but just wanted to say Inyri that these hilts are superb :D

NWN2 is a little bit of a let down, so I've shelved it until the modding community finishes up some of their larger campaigns. In the meantime, looks like I might be able to get some game time in on "old reliable" KotOR series.. hehehe..

I'll definitely give these a whirl when the time comes.. that plus your melee pack looks like loads of fun to slice-n-dice some baddies :devsmoke:
12-13-2006, 1:21 PM
NWN2 is a little bit of a let downGah, not you too!!

In the meantime, looks like I might be able to get some game time in on "old reliable" KotOR series.. hehehe..Between the KotOR-like music and the return to a turn-based RPG, I think I also have another spin through KotOR in my future. Luckily, it looks like there'll be some pretty new mods to add if I time it right.
12-13-2006, 4:12 PM
At least you guys don't have to wait untill the patch for NWN2 is a seperate download. I've hit many of the glitches that would be solved by the current patch. However it gives me plenty of Holowan Plugin Focus time.
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