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Avatar/Signature Above You

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12-15-2006, 2:48 AM
^I'm not going to comment on that "divine" hutt.
 Rabish Bini
12-15-2006, 3:41 AM
She is devine. She's HOT!
Now that i've won the LFer with the sickest mind award, i'll stay on-topic.
^Nihilus has won an all-white disguise in a beauty pagent. :D
@ED - Another comment for your sig: She's HOT! (I won't mind if you don't use it.)
12-15-2006, 3:54 AM
Brand new avatar (possible another Street fighter Character)
12-15-2006, 4:18 AM
^Infamoused Advertiser.
12-15-2006, 4:22 AM
Gotta make money somehow.

^Infamoused Sith lord in Santa hat.
 Rabish Bini
12-15-2006, 4:25 AM
^Has an awesome sig, wait, I already said that, damnit I can't come up with anything
@Joshi - It's not brand new, I had it before my old one, and yes it's from street fighter, he's called Ken.
12-15-2006, 4:35 AM
^Need to change his avartar into Violent Ken.

I am not a Sith Lord. I'm a Jedi Master.
12-15-2006, 5:29 AM
^ A Sith Lord turned Jedi Master/criminal investigator and gone all christmassy. :lol:

And you're the only sig without picture and full of links.
Everybody has their style. :D
 Rabish Bini
12-15-2006, 5:58 AM
^Is there anything he won't advertise?
@CSI - I can't find a violent Ken one like that
12-15-2006, 6:16 AM
Advertise?? :eyeraise:

Here's an avatar for you!
 Anakin Skywalker
12-15-2006, 7:05 AM
^ Needs a.... needs to get a.... hmmm..... I have absolutely nothing to say about your sig nor you avatar.... sorry igy, it's just I've already commented on both your sig and your avatar
12-15-2006, 1:43 PM
^ No problem. The current avatar is cool and I've seen what the future one will be. Also cool, though I hate that utterly untalented excuse for an actor - Hayden Christensen.
 Anakin Skywalker
12-15-2006, 4:56 PM
^I'm sorry you feel that way about Hayden... but it seems a lot of people do.... I actually think he's pretty cool and has got talent. (No I am not Hayden, so don't ask...)
 Rabish Bini
12-15-2006, 6:24 PM
^Avatar could use a better background...
@igyman - Picture don't pop-up.
12-15-2006, 8:14 PM
I edited it into a link to the pic, hopefully you won't have any more problems. If you do, I'll just post the original link of the page where I found the pic. :)
12-18-2006, 7:53 PM
^Hitman Codename 47 never wears a Christmas hat, does he?
12-18-2006, 8:05 PM
^ Neither his avatar or his signature feature an afro.

....That was weird of me to say. I'm running low on wit.
12-18-2006, 8:41 PM
^She loves to read Tarot Card in leisure time, as stated in her sig.
 Emperor Devon
12-18-2006, 8:42 PM
^ Thinks the Exile is Revan.
12-18-2006, 8:43 PM
 King Dando
12-18-2006, 9:01 PM
^Secratary of Awesome.
 Emperor Devon
12-18-2006, 9:18 PM
^ Drenches flags in catsup.
12-18-2006, 9:19 PM
^ Is Emperor Santa, Dark Lord of the Poles.
 King Dando
12-18-2006, 9:27 PM
^ Judging by the angle, I'd say the Xmas hat in the avatar isn't real
 Emperor Devon
12-18-2006, 9:50 PM
^ Likes blue coffins.

@D_A, if Jae wasn't my nemesis I'd change my custom title to that. Very funny. :D
 King Dando
12-18-2006, 9:54 PM
^ Signature: No comment.....
 Emperor Devon
12-18-2006, 10:01 PM
^ Are you sure? I've included some of the particularly accurate ones in my sig. :p
 King Dando
12-18-2006, 10:12 PM
^ So I see..How about, that "thing" was so disgusting, I feel as though I need to ram my face repeatedly into a brick wall, in an attempt to remove the mental image that is now etched into my brain? :)
12-18-2006, 10:54 PM
^Should know that ED is not liable for any face rammings that may or may not occur upon viewing the link in his sig
 Emperor Devon
12-18-2006, 11:18 PM
^ Is as correct as his avatar is flashy.

@K_D, too long. :p
 King Dando
12-19-2006, 12:18 AM
^Yeah well, I wouldn't want to come home to find that in my bed I'll tell you that much. Repulsive. *shudders*
 Det. Bart Lasiter
12-19-2006, 12:25 AM
You should rent that space out Dando.
 Anakin Skywalker
12-19-2006, 12:26 AM
^ Kinda boring Sig, but 10/10 for it not being full of sig links nor pics....

^Yeah well, I wouldn't want to come home to find that in my bed I'll tell you that much. Repulsive. *shudders*

Observation/Mockery: Oh, I don't know master, I think it looks kinda Sexy...

:p That was a joke, just in case some people didn't know that....
12-19-2006, 12:30 AM
^Likes Anakin Skywalker.
 King Dando
12-19-2006, 12:35 AM
^Appears to enjoy CSI.
 Emperor Devon
12-19-2006, 12:48 AM
^ Appears to enjoy American catsup.
 King Dando
12-19-2006, 12:52 AM
^ Ummmm, only has 4 comments in sig.
 Emperor Devon
12-19-2006, 1:11 AM
More would be too long.
 King Dando
12-19-2006, 1:19 AM
^Fair point, besides, four is a nice, round even number anyway :)
 Emperor Devon
12-19-2006, 2:14 AM
Four's enough to inspire either dread or curiosity over the link. Though most people experience the former after seeing it. :D
 Diego Varen
12-19-2006, 2:19 AM
^ One of those comments is what I said.
 Rabish Bini
12-19-2006, 2:46 AM
^Whoopdidoo. And has a kick @$$ avatar.
@igyman - It still doesn't come up, all it is 2 circles with image hosted by over it.
 Emperor Devon
12-19-2006, 3:21 AM
^ Thinks some Dark Lords are unexpected.
 Rabish Bini
12-19-2006, 3:23 AM
^Thinks his gaining friends with his sig pic. More like making them scream and faint.
 King Dando
12-19-2006, 3:35 AM
^Awesome avatar
 Emperor Devon
12-19-2006, 3:36 AM
^ Oh, the quotes aren't there to gain or lose friends. People can't resist looking at things when there are warnings not to.

^ Avatar makes him post fast.
 King Dando
12-19-2006, 3:42 AM
^Oooops, sorry, looks like I got there just before you :(
 Rabish Bini
12-19-2006, 3:48 AM
^Is going to be buried in a Blue Casket. :D

And alot of people seem to like my avatar/sig.

@ED - True, if there was a big red button that would destroy the world and on it, it said, "DO NOT PRESS! WORLD WILL GO KA-BOOM!" sign on it, some guy will probably still press it.
12-19-2006, 4:12 AM
^ So red, his body doubles as a STOP sign.
 Anakin Skywalker
12-19-2006, 8:11 AM
^ Has a Santa Clause War Vetern as an Avatar....

@ED - True, if there was a big red button that would destroy the world and on it, it said, "DO NOT PRESS! WORLD WILL GO KA-BOOM!" sign on it, some guy will probably still press it.

That your right about, and that guy would probably be me, out of curiosity or out of stupidity...
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