First hello all im new here and from Austria, so plz dont be angry about my english :blast5:
So now to my question, i have intalled the High level Force Power Mod (with the update 2.1) updated my Game and installed the New Robes Mod (i dont know if i spelled this right) but now my probs.
In Telos and the beginning scene with Bao Dur it tells me Bao Dur is now in my group but i cant take him with me, but i thought ok...
But than i went with Kreia and Atton to the Commander of the Czerka, and it stops i know there must be a cutscene but the screen is black but i didnt see any talk and they all r friendly without the droids and so i cannot go to the mine inside.hmmm.and i cant do anything...
Maybe anyone knows a solution or shall i uninstall they Mods and what Mod is not right the High level force Power or the Robe Mod...
I hope anyone can help me, and im very very sorry of my bad english...
Many Greetings from Austria
No problem, your english is great for a new person with it! Welcome to the forums :evil5: :waive1:
Moveing on topic... I'm not so sure its your mods. I've never had Bao-Dur in the "mines" if its what I think it is. Do you mean the Peragus Mineing Station? I do not think either of those mods even conflicting would cause a problem like that. My only suggestion is remove/rename the override folder and try again with a new/older save, if it doesn't work then reinstall and if not... well lets not go there :D.
Good luck