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Mercenary Crew: Age of the Rebellion

Page: 4 of 5
12-19-2006, 3:58 PM
Ulim nodded at Raze's request, getting up from his position to follow the sarcastic Zam. He stopped when Rita stopped and talked about footsteps, but dismissed it. He followed them into the cockpit and stood over Zam, handing him the datapad he was reading from and said "Give it back once you have downloaded the data."
12-19-2006, 9:45 PM
"Awww, you know you love me, Raze." Travis said, grinning as he came up behind her and put his arms around her shoulders. His smirk widened as she rolled her eyes, pulling away with an 'ugh!', before he turned to this 'Otaktay'.

"So, bug-man wants to speak Basic? I think I could manage that." he stepped back as the alien roared and struggled to lash out, his movements hindered by his bonds. His smirk didn't fade for a moment. "Ah, you and I could have some fun, mate."

((Iiiiiitsy-bitsy character control here, sorry guys. I don't think it would be too out of character here though <.< Lemme know if it is))
12-20-2006, 7:34 AM
Raze's eyes narrowed at Travis' comments and she smacked him on the back of his head, not that hard, but enough to mess up his hair. "Travis! Would you stop baiting him and being such a...!" Her jaw set as she stopped herself from finishing her sentence. There were some things that a captain just shouldn't say in front of her crew.

"See?" she said, turning to Otak. "It's not just you. Travis makes everyone feel like they want to kill him."

She glared at Travis. "Just...." She waved her hand at him to get out of her way.

She went over and opened up one of the med-bay's storage units. "Travis, you said heat weakens the elastoplastacrete, right?" she asked while rummaging around. "Ah." She removed an instrument. "This cautery should should do the trick. Maybe not as fast as a plasma torch, but definitely safer."

"Travis, go and make up that translator. In the meanwhile, Bif and I will get Otaktay free enough for him to use his wrist panel thing."

She grinned at Otak. "And then we can have that chat."
12-20-2006, 8:01 AM
John peeked into the Infirmary to see how the alien was doing. "Hey, I was wondering where I put that." John said, refering to the instrument in Raze's hands "What you doing with it anyways? The only good thing I use it for removing compnant from the ship's central heating unit."
12-20-2006, 8:26 AM
"Well it should work just as well for this task," Raze replied to John as she switched on the cautery. When delicate tip glowed blue, she began to cut through the goo that surrounded Otek's lower arm. In a few moments, it was free.

Raze stood back immediately, warily eyeing Okek, and hoping that she hadn't foolishly misplaced her trust in the alien's promise.
12-20-2006, 8:50 AM
Otak launched forward with his arm, but stopped it short of Raze as she backed up. He made a fist, then opened it, then made a fist again, he did this several times, then stopped.

"[Sorry, instinct,]" he said in his language. He noticed his wrist blades were still out, so he retracted them. He tryed sitting up, forgeting that there was another bond around his chest, he was pulled back down to the table, hitting his head on it as he was pulled back. Otak grunted, but ignored it, he turned his attention to his left wrist, which had his computer panel on it.

He opened the panel, the small set of square screens, with red symbols, which was really the Yautja alphabet. He pressed only a few buttons on his panel, the monotonous voice coming out of his suit once again.

"Thank you, I, can't, say, I like the, position, though. Well, what to, ask, or, should I, say, be asked?" He questioned.
12-20-2006, 9:05 AM
Raze looked with interest at the device on Otek's wrist. She'd seen many different types of alphabets in her travels, but she didn't recognise any of these characters.

"Well," she replied, "the first thing you can tell me is why you were banging on my ship like a maniac when we first saw you." She eyed him, still a bit suspicious of his intents, but committed to trusting that he wouldn't attack. "Tell me that and I'll consider cutting the rest of your bonds."
12-20-2006, 9:14 AM
Otak stared at her for a moment, then turned and typed something in again.

"I, was, hoping to, get, the captain - you, obviously, to come, out, so, I, could talk, to, you, and get, a ride, offworld. I was in, a, hurry, because, I felt, that, I, was, being, stalked, as you, soon, found, out, afterwards." He said explaining as best he could the reason for banging on her ship.

"I, didn't, bang, that, hard, you know," came a second comment. "I'm, rather, wanted, on, this, world, but, I shouldn't, say, more, you might, get, funny dreams, of grandeur. I, personally, would, not, let you, turn, me, in." He commented darkly, though you couldn't tell from the one tone voice coming from his suit.
12-20-2006, 9:37 AM
"Isn't he a charmer," John said sarcastically "What we going to do with him? Leave him here or the next planet0 we get to or..." John asked the captain, leaving his sentance open ended incase the Captain had something else she would like to add.
12-20-2006, 11:17 AM
"Charming, indeed," Raze said quietly to John. "Just like Rita. But don't tell her I said that."

Turning back to Otak she said, "My bounty hunting days are long over, Otaktay, I can assure you. So, all this mayhem... because you just wanted a ride?"

Raze took a moment to consider her options. Stolen merchandise as cargo was one thing. A dangerous (and quite possibly still wanted) fugitive passenger was quite another.

On one hand, if she agreed to take him aboard there was the chance of whoever was after him to come after her. And, there was always the possiblity that Otak might fly into another rage if if she refused him. She didn't fancy that.

On the other hand, if she left him here, he could always blame her for the disappearance (or murder, if they found the head and body) of the mercenary/hired thug that Otak had killed in the landing bay assigned to her. And she didn't fancy that either.

But if she did take him along, she'd have to justify it with her crew. If Otak had something of value to pay his way, that might do the trick.

"I don't normally take on passengers," she said slowly. "If I do decide that you can stay aboard, how were you planning to pay for your passage? And where were you planning on going?"
12-20-2006, 4:26 PM
Otak typed something in, "I, can, say, I don't, have, any, credits...but, I might, have something, that you, personally, would like."

"I, will show you, what, I, have, that, I might, be able, to pay, with. I, won't tell, you, what, though, unless you, free me...then, I'll show, you." Came a second part to his answer.

He continued to type, "as, for where, I want, to go, personally, Utapau...but, any, ship, sustaining planet, will due..." he paused, thinking for a moment, "except, here, and Corellia," he finished. He swivelled his head around, taking another good look around the room. None of his gear, not even his trophy sack could be seen, and the only ones in the room was Raze, Bif, and some unknown man at the door.

He let out a low growl a the man at the door, then said in his tongue, "[nosy people...tease me when I'm not around, I've been harassed enough with my time in this galaxy...]" his sentence trailed off.

Otak sighed, "[no one respects a Yautja in this galaxy, and that was the last thing I had...respect, now I've lost that as well....a great warrior, a great hunter, now a caged mongral, I have nothing but my belongings...well, not anymore..." Otak jerked his head up, as he realised that he was slipping into a state of depression, and also realised no one could understand him, well, except Bif.

He let his right arm fall, which he had held over his stomach to type; and he turned his head to the right, and looked at the wall, taking a deep breathe as he thought to himself, and waited for Raze to respond.
12-20-2006, 11:16 PM
As Bif translated Otak's own language into Basic, Raze began to feel sorry for the alien. Stranded in a strange place, unable to effectively communicate with the locals, losing his cultural identity and pride, detained by goo on a med bay table all from a simple misunderstanding of his intentions and...

Oh no, Raze thought. Not 'Guilt' again. Anything but Guilt.

"Well, you seem genuine enough to me...," she heard herself say.

Don't do it, Reisa! Guilt is not your friend...!

"And I suppose I need to release you no matter what the value of whatever it is you're planning on offering to pay for passage." She began to cut away the rest of the goo.

Sap! Softie! her inner voice yelled at her.

"Just as long as you don't go flying into a rage over words that anyone happens to say to you," she warned. "My crew aren't exactly... well, they can be brusque at times." She looked at Bif. "Droids excepted," she added, not wanting to offend the android.

Ugh! Too late. Guilt won. Again.

The last of the goo was cut away. "There. You're free." She gave him a slight grin. "I think Bif stowed your gear away in that locker over there." She pointed to the locker in question. "Let's see what you have in mind to pay with, Otaktay."
12-21-2006, 6:15 AM
John drew and activated his ZAT gun. "Just a precaution. Don't want you killing anyone, now do we?"
12-21-2006, 6:29 AM
Raze glanced over at John and held up a cautionary hand in his direction. "Careful, John," she said to him. "We don't want another 'misunderstanding' happening."

"He won't attack you. I promise," she said to Okak. Then over her shoulder she said, "That's for defense only, right, John?" She nodded at the storage locker that had Otak's things in it. "Go ahead, Otaktay. Get your things."
12-21-2006, 6:38 AM
"Is it safe to just simply give him his things back? I mean I saw how sharp that blade on his wrist weapon was." John complained.
12-21-2006, 7:35 AM
"No problem big guy, It'll only take two secs" Zam replied to ulim taking the data pad. He grabbed a data cable and pluged the PAD into the main navigation console and began the download. Afew moments later the download was complete and zam unplugged the pad and gave it back to ulim. Zam then began to plot the course they could take to coruscant which would avoid the imperial patrols and sensor grids. It only took a minuet before he found the quickest route and would ony mean they needed to drop out of hyperspace three times.
12-21-2006, 8:47 AM
Otak was surprised if anything, this woman, this, 'Raze', was showing respect to him, if you could call it that. 'Wow, I've found the closest thing any human will get to being a Yautja, in this woman, she's very...honorable.' He thought to himself, he felt a whole new respect for her now.

He got up off the table, towering over Raze, he stretched. He started bending down, backwards, to get the cramps out of his back. Then he started flexing his muscles, his arms, legs, chest, so as to get the stiffness out, and his blood flowing again.

He stopped and stared around for a second, for some reason he felt...embarassed. He scratched the back of his head, and turned around nervously to the locker. He aproached it, then opening it, he found all his gear in it, like Raze said. He started putting his weapons back in the positions he had them on his body.

He took his blaster rifle and pistol and set them on the table, they were the only non-Yautja weapons he had, but he held more value to them than his own weapons, why is another story.

He took out a large sack, it was made of some wool-like material, only brown, and fiberous. He picked up several small sacks as well, made of a finer cloth material. He reached into the large sack, and pulled out a net-like sack that was the same size, it's contents clattered as he pulled it out. What was inside would have probably sent chills down most people's spines. There were skulls, lots of skulls; human, zabrak, wookie, rodian, an unknown species to this galaxy, known to him as, Kiande Amedha. He even had a Yautja skull in the sack, where, or how, or why, was also another story.

Most of the skulls were still attached to their spines, but they weren't gruesome, they were very clean, and well polished. He typed something in to his wrist panel.

"I, have, some, animal, skulls, in, the mesh - sack, that might, be of, some value." He opened the two smaller sacks, one practically spilling out with cryoban grenades. He pulled out of the other sack a long chain, made of pure gold, with a pendant that was inset with small blue crystals in a circle around a large Krayt Dragon pearl that had a violet tint, making it seem like ivory in one type of light, and almost ebony in another light.

"I don't, know, if this, is of, any, value, but I've seen, woman, wear these, things...they, seem, to like, them, alot, and, I thought, you might, like it too, maybe, enough, to give, me, transport, offworld," he said, shifting it in his hand, turning it, trying to see why it was so valued by woman, and people in general. He thought it was shiny, and beautiful, but he didn't quite get the concept of it's charm on people.

He held it out towards Raze for her to hold.

((I'm assuming gold is valuable in the Star Wars galaxy, because I don't know what metal they'd have that would be like gold, valuewise.))
12-21-2006, 2:34 PM
"Ohh, shiney." John said looking at the pendant, he then said in Huttese "Boss, I can sell that pendant for more than 50,000 credits, just thought I'd let you know."

"Anyways," John asked Okat, in galactic basic, "You a hunter or do you just collect random skulls?"
12-21-2006, 6:09 PM
Raze held the pendant up to the light. She'd only seen two Krayt Dragon pearls in her lifetime, and this one was far superior to either of them. When John mentioned in Huttese that he could get 50,000 credits for it, she merely nodded. "At the least," she murmured back in Huttese. "And he is definitely a hunter to have captured this from someone."

"I don't think any animal skulls will be necessary," she said politely in Basic to Otak. "This is quite... sufficient." She looked away from the beautiful pearl back to him. "You are welcome to travel with us, Otaktay, but I hope you understand I have to deliver my cargo and honour the agreement I made with my client first. It'll depend on what sort of information your friend Ulim gathered as to what course my pilot will set, so I'm not sure if we'll be passing by Utapau on our way to the Core. But if we do, we'll drop you off. Otherwise, it would be a longer journey for you." She paused, looking once again at the flawless and unusual coloured jewel, before holding it out again for Otak to either take it back or indicate that it was now hers to keep. "The decision is yours."
12-21-2006, 7:03 PM
Otak looked down at the pendant in her hand, he had little sentiment towards it, though he would miss it. He stared at it, memories flooding his mind, he remembered saving a young girl from a man trying to do something to her on Corellia, though he wasn't sure what; he knocked the man out, finding him a scum, and dishonorable prey, he remembered she was scared of him at first, but eventually that passed, she took him to a restaraunt because he hadn't eaten in awhile, his first time at a restaraunt. After that she seemed, happy, and she thanked him by giving him the pendant. Little to his knowledge she was the daughter of a well known, and rich entrepeneur.

After time he slowly closed Raze's hand with his own, his hand nearly engulfing hers. He pushed her hand and arm back towards her, and he typed something in with his mandibles.

"Keep it," he said, or typed. He let go and pressed a couple switches on his wrist panel, a recording played, it was the sound of a young girl's voice, "'no, take it, besides, it matches your eyes.'" Said the cheerful and innocent sounding girl, he remembered that he had taken his mask off for her, gave her a bit of a shock too, her knight in shining armor had mandibles and scars on his face, probably not what she expected.

He typed something in, "this, is all, I need, to remember, it, by," he meant indicating the recording of his encounter, and then he pointed to his head to indicate his memory. "I'll wait, if I have, to...just, as, long, as we, make, pitstops...I need open space, every, once, in, awhile," he indicated.
12-22-2006, 8:12 AM
Raze nodded. "Don't we all," she agreed. "Well, since Bif has tended to your wounds, I'll have John show you to your quarters." She turned to John. "We've got two spare rooms. Let him choose which one he wants."

She turned back to Otak, and grinned. "Welcome aboard. I suppose I should go and inform the rest of the crew that we've got a passenger. We'll be taking off soon."

She left the medbay, and headed towards the bridge where Zam was prepping the ship for launch, and, as expected, Ulim stood watchfully behind him in his usual spot.

"We've acquired a passenger," she said to Zam and Ulim. She held up the Krayt Dragon pearl necklace for the both of them to see. "A paying passenger," she added. She looked over Zam's shoulder. "Take off whenever you're ready. I'll go find Rita and tell her the news. The last thing I want is her, or Travis for that matter, to antagonise our 'guest'."
12-22-2006, 8:18 PM
Travis sat, looking at the device in front of him. It was a chunky bulk of scrap metal, but it would have to work for now. The 'translator' he had been able to peice together was more or less functional, once he found the proper files to load into it. At the moment, it was completely useless, having no information on either Basic or whatever language the bug-man in the medical hold spoke.

The files on Basic would be easy enough to aquire. He knew that the ship's computer held several language files and translations in its memory to dissect typed out messages. Files that would be easily imported.

The files of the mystery dialect would be much more complicated. From what he saw, Bif seemed to be able to at least comprehend what the thing was saying...perhaps he did have some kind of understanding of the language. If he did, he would just be able to more or less copy/paste the information into the memory banks of his creation and tah dah. Instant translator.

He stood up, twirling his ball of elastoplasticrete on his finger. Time to see if this thing really did work.
12-23-2006, 2:49 AM
"Well if you want to prevent that wouldn't it be wise to you know... leave without having Travis on board..." Zam suggested turning to look at Raze. "or better let take off and let him walk out of the airlock... oh yeah we can leave now, our course is a couple of days and we only need to drop three times"
12-23-2006, 10:31 AM
"You know, I'd have no problem pushing you out of an airlock either, Zam, but you don't see me making plans." Travis said as he entered the cockpit, "Now get out of the way, I've gotta download some files from the ship's computer."
12-23-2006, 11:28 AM
Otak watched as Raze left, then turned to the man, John, and typed something in, "put, the gun, away, and, show me, to, a, room...I'm tired." He stated.

He turned and put the mesh-sack back in the fiberous sack, and tightened the thong to close it. He then closed the smaller sacks in the same fashion, and tied them to his waist. He tied the larger sack around his neck, and it hung from his back.

He picked up his blaster rifle and pistol, and turned back to John, and typed something else in, "you, might want, to, find, a, less, used, language when talking, to her, next time...I've worked, for, Hutts, before...there, language, is, annoying, but I, understand, it." Came the message, revealing that he had understood what they said about getting 50,000 for the pendant.

He stood by, waiting impatiently for this, John, to show him to a room that he'd like.
12-23-2006, 11:43 AM
Raze held up her hand between Zam and Travis, lest their war of words became something more physical. "Everybody in my crew has a job on this ship," she reminded Zam. "And no one is getting left behind. No one. Just do what you do best and get us to our destination."

She looked at Travis. "I take it the files you need are for that translator you're making?" She stepped out of the way and motioned for Travis to proceed to the console. "Download away," she said to him. "The quicker we can understand our 'guest' the less 'misunderstandings' we're likely to have."

She sidled past Travis to the doorway. "I'm going to go and tell Rita that we have a passenger, although I can just bet she's not going to like the idea of taking on Otaktay as a passenger." She turned to go, then paused. "Just ignore any shouting, or banging, or thumping you might hear. You know how she is."
12-23-2006, 11:46 AM
"Don't worry about the blaster, merly a safety percuasion. Plus there's no need to worry if it goes off and you getting shot, it'll only stun you. However the second shot will kill you. Third vapours your body." John warned.

Otak spoke a little, after doing so, John smiled and let out a small laugh, knowing he was busted "Sorry, but 50,000 is alot. Anyway, let's go find you a room. We have two spare, each one has there own bed, desk and wardrobe . That's basically it. However if you want I can add in a few shelfs or carpit, just ask me." John walked between two doors "Which one? The left one or the right one?"
12-23-2006, 11:59 AM
Travis laughed at that. "Have fun with Rita, Raze. Just don't interrupt her if she's using the sim -- she broke it last time that happened. I fixed it but I think there's still an indent from Zam's head in it."

He moved over and plugged the hardware into the ship's mainframe and began sifting through several programs until he found the files he wanted.
12-23-2006, 12:12 PM
Otak shrugged and pointed to the left. He really didn't care, he just needed to be alone, and have time to rest.

"[Even if it is worth that much, it's still rude to sell a gift...]" he said in his own language to himself. He waited to follow John to the room he had indicated.
12-23-2006, 12:37 PM
Raze headed down the corridor (the opposite one from the one John and Otak were in), passing her quarters and down to Rita's room. She tapped twice on the door, then waited.

After a short delay she heard Rita's muffled voice. "Yeah? What is it?"

"It's Raze. Can I come in? I've got something to tell you."

There was again silence for a moment. "Can't it wait? I'm sort of in the middle of something."

Raze shook her head. Rita was using the flight sim again. "You can destroy the Empire later," Raze said through the door. "I need to talk to you. Now, open the door."

Again a pause. "Is that an order?"

"Just open the door."

"You didn't answer my question."

Raze let out an exasperated sigh. "Why do you always find it necessary to question everything! Open the kriffin' door!"

There was again a long pause, and then, finally, the door opened and Raze went inside, closing the door behind her.

A few moments of silence passed, then there was a lot of muffled shouting, followed by a few thumps, a couple of bangs, a crash, and then the ship's corridor lights dimmed briefly.

The door opened and Raze walked out, brushing herself off a bit. "Well, that went over well...." She headed for her cabin, making a mental note to ask John to see if he could fix Rita's computer console when he was finished with Otak.
12-23-2006, 12:45 PM
John pressed a buttem and the door slid open. "There you go, your own cold, empty quater. Make yourself... at home. By the way, I didn't catch your name."
12-23-2006, 5:53 PM
Otak looked in the room for a short second, then turned back to John.

"My, name, is, o-ta-k-tay, now please, I, need, some, rest." At this he turned and entered the room, it took awhile, but he figured out how to close it. It was dark, and he couldn't really tell much, though he had much better vision in the dark than humans did, he still couldn't distinguish much. He fumbled around a bit until he found the bed, he sat down on it's edge, giving out a deep, almost growl sounding sigh.

After awhile he heard distant yelling in the ship, and quite a bit of banging, but it stopped after awhile and left him to the peace he wanted. He didn't attempt to find the light switch because he didn't know where it was, and wished to rest his eyes in the dark. Dark places often calmed his nerves; but something was wrong, he smelt something, but he wasn't sure what? 'Whatever it is, it's masked by something...oh well, I'll find out what it is later.'

At this Otak relaxed every bit of his body, his head sliding down on his chest. He didn't feel like sleeping at the immediate moment, so he didn't lay down just yet...he just breathed, and thought on his day.
12-23-2006, 8:31 PM
Flick had nothing to do and nowhere to go on Nar Shaddaa, so she stayed on the ship and slept curled up in her bunk. For once it was decently quiet, anyway. A few hours later, she awoke to hear Rita and Raze arguing and slamming things around. Opening her eyes, she noticed a tall alien sitting on the edge of her bed.

Ulim? She blinked and looked him over carefully. No, definitely not Ulim. Whoever he was, he didn't seem to have noticed her. She started uncurling slowly and quietly, keeping her eyes fixed on the intruder.
12-23-2006, 9:11 PM
Otak, definately smelt something, it had grown strong, like...human pheremones and...and? Te-dqi? It couldn't be, could it? Otak rose slowly, he felt danger, a crawling, nervous danger, one that he hadn't felt since he last had a ritual hunt. A Kiande Amedha!

If it was in there with him, then he knew what to do. First he scanned the room, his eyes fully adjusted to the darkness; he saw the desk, and the wardrobe, and from what he could tell, the room was small, and there was no major area to hide...other than the, bed.

After he'd scanned the room with normal sight he switched to Tech Vision, one of his four vision modes. In this mode he could easily see technology, wires, anything electric, including Kiande Amedha. He slipped his hand over to his Combi Stick, the best weapon for fighting Kiande Amedha, it being blunt, and that was good, because, if he used something that would cause blood spray, then he could get harmed from the acidic blood of the creature.

He pulled it out, and decompressed it, this caused it to detelescope, it's crescent ends unfurling. He turned slowly, he knew it was somewhere behind him. Then he saw it plain as day, uncurling itself on the bed, though he only saw it from the corner of his eye, not that it helped to be partially blind there.

He twisted around with the speed and agility bestowed upon his race, but something in him held back, knawing at his conciense. It told him that this was not prey to be killed, so instead of impaling it like he would have, he held the end of his stick near it's throut.

Though everything in him said, kill it, he didn't, besides, he had to admire this specimen, it had been so stealthy, that it avoided detection of even his audio enhancers. He let out a low clicking growl, showing his anxiousness, waiting to see what this bug would do.
12-23-2006, 9:47 PM
Since she was still half-asleep, Flick's reflexes were somewhat dulled, and the strange alien had his weapon at her throat almost before she could react. Ah, but the key word was almost. If he had his peculiar staff at her throat, she had her tail at his. And a stalemate was better than a loss.

Well, what now? she thought. The alien made a clicking sort of growl as he watched her. Ah, well, so you're not going to kill me yet...

Flick's lips curled slowly back over her teeth in a snarl as she hissed at the intruder. "Who the frakking hell are you?"
12-23-2006, 10:23 PM
Otak practically fell over backwards he was so stunned! This Kiande Amedha could talk!! Heck, it just used proffanity! This was absolutely shocking beyond words.

Otak was so dumbfounded he almost forgot about holding his weapon steady, almost. He quickly regained composure though, he could type with his mandibles if he wished to speak basic to it, but that took time, and by how angry it sounded, it would probably impale his neck before he was through.

Otak didn't know what to do, he couldn't call out, no one understood him, and would probably think he was doing something private, or freaky in the room. He couldn't talk to it in his language, he knew that not even a basic speaking Kiande Amedha would understand him unless it'd been around Yautja before. He didn't want to let down his weapon for fear of the cold, heartless creature that a Kiande Amedha was, would kill him heedlessly.

He knew that any movement might end in either death, or ligamental displacement. But he also knew he had to do something, and fast, or else the angry creature as it were, would do what he'd said, impale his neck, though he knew he'd live long enough to do likewise.

Then he realized something, Kiande Amedha hate the cold, so he slowly reached towards his sack of cryoba grenades. He was lucky, the creature was to concentrated on his ugly mug to take heed to the slow movement of his hand, at least he hoped. After time, he had one out, and with speed he held down the suicide button, and held the grenade up towards the creature so it could see clearly what type of grenade it was so it could comprehend what this meant.

If it killed him, at any moment, he'd not only impale it's neck, but when his body fell, and his grip went limp, the grenade would go off, destroying any chance of survival for it. Or on the off hand, it gave him the extra advantage, he could let go of the button any moment, and it'd only partially freeze them both, leaving him decently well off, because he could handle the cold, but the creature wouldn't be so lucky, it'd get a dose of what it hates almost as much as fire.

He let out a quiet bark, and knodded downward to it's tail, indicating for her to pull it away, then he nodded at his Combi Stick, to indicate he'd lower that if she lowered her tail. This was the best communication he could do within a quick amount of time. But he waited with a ready hand on his stick, incase this creature decided the hard way was the best.
12-23-2006, 10:35 PM
Oh lovely, Flick thought as the alien showed her the grenade. This is just getting better and better. The alien started nodding, first to her tail, and then to his own peculiar weapon. Alright, fine, she thought resignedly, drawing her tail away slowly.

"Happy now?"
12-23-2006, 10:50 PM
Ulim thought for a moment after Sage left with John. There weren't any extra rooms on this ship besides the crews quarters. Then he got the strange feeling that they were forgetting something.

Everybody is on the ship, the cargo is here, and- wait... Where's Flack? ((Remember, he's still revitively new to the crew compared to the others.)) He hadn't seen her since they'd landed. Probably sleeping... I wonder if she going to make Gizak soup anytime soon. Ulim thought to himself. He loved her Gizak soup. Or just about anything else with Gizak in it she made.

Then he decided to check up on Sage since he still looked pretty confused about things and then Flack to see what she was going to be making next.
12-23-2006, 10:51 PM
Otak nodded at the comment as he pulled his weapon away. He looked over at the grenade in his what was he going to do with this, he thought.

He turned back to the creature at present, he decided, since he had the slight advantage, that he'd take it upon himself to show he wished for no conflict, though that wasn't true, he would have rather torn it's head off. He was curious enough to want to make peace with it.

Otak sat down on the bed, sitting as close as possible to the creature, without putting himself in any great threat of being pounced upon. But as a precautionary measure he ejected his wrist blades, because this creature had natural weapons, while he had rather sharp formidable claws, he'd have his hand burn off if he resorted to using his claws, so he thought the blades were only fair.

He couldn't type at the moment, his hands full, and he didn't know how long or short a fuse this creature had, so he couldn't use his mandibles. This was probably going to hurt in the morning, but he attempted to use his own vocal organs to talk basic.

"Haaapee, new" he repeated the best he could. He sighed, this only brought distracting thoughts of disgrace to his mind. He put his Combi Stick down, and started motioning with his left hand at his throut to indicate that he couldn't talk basic well, and to indicate he had no immediate way of communicating with it.
12-23-2006, 11:15 PM
Flick relaxed slightly as the intruder drew back his weapon and sat down, then stiffened and drew her tail back as his wrist blades shot out. Still, he didn't make any overtly threatening moves. She would have yelled for someone by then, but she had no idea how he would react, and as long as she wasn't in any immediate danger, best not to add tension to the situation.

"Haaapee, new," he droned.

"Not particularly," she replied, her voice losing the hiss but gaining a sarcastic edge. Well, how am I supposed to be happy? A random eight foot tall alien just barged in and tried to kill me. At least they were getting on a little better now.

The alien put his stafflike weapon down and waved his hand towards his throat.

"What?" she said. "Can't talk Basic?" Or maybe he had a hard time saying anything. This is going to make things harder.
12-23-2006, 11:20 PM
Travis quickly found Bif, shut him down momentarily, plugged his device into the back of the android and downloaded whatever files he had that looked promising. This was all a guess on his part, but it seemed that it would be their best bet to understand this thing. He activated the small thing with a flick of a switch, and smiled in satisfaction as he felt it thrum beneath his fingers.

Quickly locating the alien's room, he poked his head in.

"Hey, Buggy-boy, catch." he called, and tossed the translator to it. "Voila, translator. It won't be perfect -- I can't be sure of the dialect, but it should pick up your language the more you speak it."
12-23-2006, 11:23 PM
Ulim heard Travis talking about a translator and walked over to where he had Flacks room, knocking on the half opened door and asked "What is going on in here?"
12-23-2006, 11:49 PM
Otak shunned the light as it streamed into the room, holding his hand up to block it.

The moment he heard the Travis's voice he growled, raising his blades threateningly, but holding back the urge to rip out his prostate and shove it down his throut. He deftly caught the simple object thrown at him. He decided to turn his attention away from Travis, so as not to get too angry.

He looked over at the talking Kiande Amedha and deactivated his Tech Vision. When he did so he got quite a fright from what he saw; a humanoid figure lay partially curled up on the bed next to him, it was human in basis, and he could tell immediately it was female due to the femanine figure, though Kiande Amedha already looked rather feminine, almost anerexic, like those fashion models you see on the holovid, you could definately see the difference. It had modest clothes on ((I'm hoping to God)) , and it had a very human face, with hair very much reminding him of Yautja hair, only unbraided.

It only took a few seconds to take all that in, and in that time, he jumped off the bed in shock, and turned to face it, stumbling a little backwards as he did so, his fingure releasing from the suicide button, and the cryoban grenade going off in his hand.

When he shook himself back to reality, he found his right arm and everything from his upper stomach down, frozen. He looked to Travis who he knew wouldn't waste a minute to laugh at his predicament. At that moment Ulim popped in, and asked what was going on.

"" he said gruffly, the translater in his left hand translating. "I'm about to kill Travis is what's going on," it quickly repeated.

[i]'It works...great, something else to make him cocky,' he thought to himself. He started struggling to reach his Combi Stick on the bed, but to little avail. He sighed, and looked over at the Kiande Amedha hybrid on the bed, he cocked his head as he was caught up in studying it, it was shocking, but amazing! He kept looking at it, shifting his head, his dread lock braids clattering around very lightly as he did so. He looked back at his stick, then sighed, but rather shakily as he began to feel the cold effects of the ice, he shivered where he stood, unable to do anything but be disgraced infront of everyone.
12-23-2006, 11:56 PM
Travis couldn't help himself -- he burst out laughing.

"Smooth one, bug boy." he said, smirking. "Though I think you're having a bit too much fun with our cook here -- try not to 'charge up her loading ramp' too quickly, shall we?"

The alien wanted to kill him. Big surprise. It wasn't anything new to be completely honest, and it didn't scare him in the least. The guy was big, but hell, the bigger they were the harder they fell.
12-24-2006, 12:23 AM
After catching the translator, the intruder looked back at Flick. The eyes on his mask flashed yellow for a moment, and he jumped up startled, letting the cryoban grenade go off in his hand. Flick yanked the bedclothes up around her with a shiver.

"I'm going to kill Travis is what's going on," the alien answered Ulim, then started trying to reach his weapon, but couldn't due to his frozen condition.

"...try not to 'charge up her loading ramp' too quickly, shall we?" Travis said, laughing. Flick rolled her eyes.

"Shut up, Ace," she said offhand, standing up and looking at the intruder curiously. Well, everybody seemed to know him except her.

"You going to be alright?" she asked tentatively. If anything like that ever happened to her, she would throw a fit.
12-24-2006, 12:40 AM
Otak was thrown into a fit of rage at Travis's lude comments. He struggled against the ice, it could be heard grinding, and cracking as he did so.

But then the hybrid got up, and asked him, "You going to be alright?"

It was odd, it was like a wall had suddenly come up in front of him, and smacked him in the face, almost immediately stopping him. He looked over at the hybrid, and cocked his head, staring at her, his head shaking lightly as he shivered. "I...I'll live....but you can help me by either killing him," indicating Travis, "or getting my weapon off the bed so I can chip away this ice." Otak said, the translater working efficiently.
12-24-2006, 12:44 AM
"Well, ah can't kill him," Flick said, picking up his weapon, "because then ah'd have a hell of a lot of explaining to do." She handed it to him and sat down on the edge of the bed, glaring at Travis. "Although the idea is... tempting."
12-24-2006, 1:05 AM
Otak took his weapon, and immediately started chipping away at his right arm. After a short time the ice was cracked and weakened enough that he could use his strength to break the ice from within. He busted his arm out, then grabbing his combi stick in both hand he jammed it deep into ice inbetween his legs, then used it with great leverage to press on the ice. After a short time he had weakened that ice as well, and he did the same thing, busting out from the inside.

He slumped to the floor, the day's events had already weakened him, he still had decent bloodloss which added to his weakness, he had been sedated when opporated on, that didn't help much either; so the ice had finished the job in fatiguing him, because normally he would have been able to bust out without a weapon, and would have been able to handle the coldness of the ice.

Otak groaned, then looked up and glared at Travis, the least he could do is leave, out of some curtousy. Otak used his combi stick to pull himself up onto the bed, he sat next to the hybrid; though he could care less at the moment, he'd rather she end his misserable, disgraceful life then and there, than go through life having no respect.

He looked to the hybrid next to him, then Travis, then Ulim, then said, "thanks for your help," this came out rather sarcastically, but weakly. At this Otak lay back on the bed and and almost literally passed out, though it was still more or less going to sleep.
12-24-2006, 1:15 AM
Flick shrugged. Well, what did he expect her to do? Scratch away the ice with her claws? She stood up and pushed his legs onto the bed, then picked up the covers from the floor and spread them over him. Poor guy must be frozen. She started walking towards the door.

"Alright, out," she said, picking up a chunk of ice and throwing it at Travis on the way.
12-24-2006, 7:08 AM
"Ok Everyone we have been cleared for take off and will be heading towards the galactic capital, So if any of you want to meet our beloved emporer today is your lucky day." Zam said obviously being sarcastic into the comm unit. "It's a three day journey so if you need a bathroom break i'd suggest you take it now... or just use the one onboard ship if you want to risk disentry. Anyway we are heavy cargo and a passenger and on the basis the cargo don't explode and our passenger dosen't go psycho and gut us all we'll be getting paid."

Zam placed the comm back into its port above his head and began to lift off of the landing and take the ship up through the atmosphere. A few moments later the ship had left the planets gravity well and entered hyperspace.
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