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A couple of questions. Kotor 1 mods

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11-30-2006, 1:34 PM
So i downloaded most of Redhawks Mods for Kotor1 and even installed the Hardcore mod wich supposubly makes ur enemies harder.

Plz keep in mind im pritty nooby at these things :)

So i decided to start the game all over as a baddie and installed all the mods wich are kinda cool only one thing.
i pritty much 1hit 1kill anything and im lvl 1 wich is rly booring.
Im currently not lvling "saving the lvls untill i get to dantooin"

Isent the hardcore mod suppose to compensate for that other wise i dont really see the point in playing if i can just 1hit 1 kill anything

is the hardcore mod not working or is it due to im saving my lvls or is there another mod that anyone knows of to compensate for the uwber items ?

Oh here's a question if i use the consol to give my self the Revan robe and his light saber then save and remove the mods then open up the game again will that work? i mean will the revan robe / lightsaber work without the mods or will they mess up the game/save?
 Darth InSidious
11-30-2006, 2:27 PM
They should work.

re: difficulty: What difficulty setting is the game on?
11-30-2006, 2:32 PM
Difficulty hardest wich i noticed wasent that hard even when i played without mods the first time around.
Ok so saving then removing mods shoulds work you say.
But is there anything i can do to raise the difficulty so i can play with the mods.?
its a shame not to play with them since they seem to add so much more to the game wich seems like alot of fun.
 Darth InSidious
11-30-2006, 2:39 PM
If you edit the XP .2da's or something you might be able to make levelling up more difficult...Other than that... Have you tried playing through using only ranged weapons?

Also: while removing the mods does work for most, I'm not sure about RH's item packs, as the armours in particular IIRC use special appearance files etc.
11-30-2006, 2:47 PM
hmm havent tried playing with ranged weps only and to be honest i cant get my self to do it either jedi/lightsaber ftw :)

hmm just wondering how is the hardcore pack suppose to work what does it do ?
the one ive found only have an german install /info file wich wasent to hard to understand were to install it but couldent tell if it actually says anything about it or what exaktly it does.

Oh forgot to mention i was using ranged weapons when i 1hit 1kill shotted mobs i do even more dmg with lightsabers or vibro blades so no diffrence there.
 Darth InSidious
11-30-2006, 3:44 PM
Sorry...this isn't really my field...I've never used the hardcore mod, and I don't know much about it TBH...

11-30-2006, 4:15 PM
Ok well thanks anyway mate.

If theres anyone that knows of a way to use the mods without making the game 2 easy id really appreciate if they could share their wisdom.!
11-30-2006, 4:28 PM
If you already have the Hardcore Mod and the difficulty level set to highest, the only other real option is to go into the .uti files themselves for the mod weapons and lower the stats to your liking. More the long-way around the problem, but it would definitely get the job done :)

I'm not 100% positive, but I think the Hardcore Mod for K1 has another "insane" setting difficulty in it's script, but it would have to be re-compiled after removing comment tags. (or was this the K2 version?.. anyone?)
Check the readme that comes with the mod to see if it mentions something about it... I'll try to do some searching to make sure I'm not blowing smoke.. hehehe :devsmoke:
11-30-2006, 5:30 PM
was no readme file well except for the german one and sadly i dont speak or read german.
Hmm after some searching seems like it raises the difficulty by buffing the stats on the all the diffrent types of npc's monster or dark jedi alike at lvl 8 / 12 / 16
hmm so im stuck at 1shot 1 kill unless i fiddle with those what u call it .uti files
hmm if u do find a insane setting thingi plz let me know :) and were you read about it.
12-01-2006, 1:36 AM
I'm not 100% positive, but I think the Hardcore Mod for K1 has another "insane" setting difficulty in it's script, but it would have to be re-compiled after removing comment tags. (or was this the K2 version?.. anyone?)
That was the K2 version, Talchia's Hardcore mod for K1 was actually one of the first mods and it didn't even come with a source script file, although I swear I saw D3 post it somewhere... hmm.

If so that could be edited to make it harder and that might allieviate the problem here.

The other issue is that the sabers and robes aren't really meant to be used from the beginning of the game, hence why I give them on Dantooine, which is where the Hardcore mod usually begins to 'kick in'. But that is another issue. ;)

As to why they are the way they are... well read the T.U.C.E. thread on these mods and you will find out. :D
12-01-2006, 3:47 AM
In my experience, even the unmodded game isn't that easy. The hardcore mod doesn't really kick in until level 8 (which you should get to about the time you're facing the Sith Governor on Taris). That fight (with the hardcore mod properly installed) should be very challenging, to say the least. I'm not familiar with either of the other mods that you referenced, but I suspect that if you're cutting through enemies like butter, with the hardcore mod installed, then the items are probably over-powered. If you want to make the game more challenging, I would recommend playing either no other mods or mods that emphasize game balance. My 2 cents.
12-01-2006, 4:17 AM
The other issue is that the sabers and robes aren't really meant to be used from the beginning of the game, hence why I give them on Dantooine

Actually im not using anything but the things you get normally in the game i just asked about the robe / lightsaber since those are what i wanted most if i were to get rid of the mods and just try to contiue the game and cheat my way to giving them to my self

That was the K2 version, Talchia's Hardcore mod for K1 was actually one of the first mods and it didn't even come with a source script file, although I swear I saw D3 post it somewhere... hmm.

If so that could be edited to make it harder and that might allieviate the problem here

so how would i go about doing that? never modded a game in my life!
12-02-2006, 12:52 AM
Actually im not using anything but the things you get normally in the game i just asked about the robe / lightsaber since those are what i wanted most if i were to get rid of the mods and just try to contiue the game and cheat my way to giving them to my self
:confused: If you are "not using anything but the things you get normally in the game" then why ask about my items? Being you are using the games normal items anyway I really don't see the issue.
12-02-2006, 4:10 AM
:confused: If you are "not using anything but the things you get normally in the game" then why ask about my items? Being you are using the games normal items anyway I really don't see the issue. QFE

Additionally, I cannot imagine how anyone could be "one-hit kill"ing anything with the default items.

I call shenanigans!
12-02-2006, 9:58 AM
So, I decided to start the game all over as a baddie and installed all the mods which are kind of cool. Only one thing:
I pretty much 1-hit kill anything and I am level 1, which is really boring.
I am currently not leveling; "saving the levels until I get to Dantooine."

If you are level 1 then you must still be on the Endar Spire since you can't exit the Bridge before you've leveled up to level 2. If so keep in mind that the enemies on the Endar Spire are much weaker than those elsewhere in the game to allow players to get started without too much frustration, getting slaughtered all the time. The Sith Troopers on the Endar Spire have the aim of stormtroopers since their Dexterity score is set to 3, and they have very low Vitality.

I'd expect things to get harder once you reach the surface of Taris and the tutorial silk gloves are off. If you still want a challenge you can easily change the base damage of all weapons. That way you may still 1 hit kill enemies, but they can do the same to you in return. That should be challenging enough. :)
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