Hmm, hi
I got this problem, I installed Kotor tool but each time i try to start, i get this:
I tried Re-installing it but nothing changed.
so plz can any one help
Strange, have you checked with RegEdit if that key really is missing? It should automatically be set when you install KotorTool. You might need an account with Admin permissions on the computer to do this though, not sure.
If you have and it is still missing you could try adding it by hand and see if that helps.
Use RegEdit to add a new key at....
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\SCM\Kotor Tool should add a new key named Path of the REG_SZ type and set its value to the full path to the folder on your harddrive where you have KotorTool installed (in my case "F:\KOTORTSL\tools\KotorTool").
(Warning: If you are unfamiliar with RegEdit be VERY careful if you do this though. If you mess up the Registry you may break your operating system.)