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11-25-2006, 4:36 PM
Ok, I'm new here, but I love the KOTOR games, and i wanted a change. So when I found the mods, i downloaded a few. They didn't work. (Yes, i put them in the Override folder) then i noticed I had to download this Net. 1.1 thingy on the Kotor Tools site along with some sort of editor. Either way, I'm feeling hopeless with this whole mod thing. can someone put it in simple text of how to get this to work? KOTOR mods for Dummies, please! thank you!!!
 Char Ell
11-25-2006, 9:57 PM
Welcome to LucasForums, Tigerchic6099! :wavey:

Have you reviewed Darth333's How to install mods? thread? I think that will help you out.

And no, you don't need to download and install KotOR Tool or Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 to install and use mods. You only need those if you're going to create mods.
12-11-2006, 2:44 PM
I just got into downloading mods recently myself. I have virtually no tech experience and I have gotten about 95% of the mods I've downloaded to work. What are you putting into your override folder? I was an idiot at first and put the unzipped files in there. Then I whined when they didn't work. You have to unzip/extract them, then when you have the unzipped files, such as "classes.2da" or something else, you put those files in the override folder. You don't have to put the readme files in there.

Also, some mods, such as the ones that change merchant inventory, require you to start a new game for them to work. Something about the game setting the inventory the first time you talk with them. Other mods (such as Super Skip Taris) require you to use the TSL Patcher, and you do need to download that. That's the only thing I've needed to download so far (although I did get the KOTOR Tool so I could edit some files myself). Still other mods have execution files that you extract/unzip to your hard drive somewhere, then install the mod by clicking on the installer. Most mods, however, are as simple as unzipping the folder, them putting the file in the override folder. Don't give up!

Aside from those ideas, maybe you could tell us the specific mods you're having problems with. We've probably seen them, so what are you wanting to do?
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