Name: J'reasha Quxion
Age: 15
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Picture and/or discription: He is a desendant of Zulaan Quxion a famed Jedi Knight, who almost destroyed the Republic to save it. The Force is very powerful in the Blood-line of the Quxion's. He is the first Disciple of the Dark Side of the Force, his entire family have served the Republic or Jedi.
Melee Weaponary: Duel Single hilt sabers One a very very dark blue the other blood red. Picture here (
Ranged Weaponary: The Force
Clothing/Armour: Sith Robes made specially by Darth Yeshnaal for his acceptance as his apprentice
Personal Spaceship: Talon XXV
Equipment: Thermal Detonators, Bounty Hunters, Exploding Death Sticks
Occupation: Sith Apprentice
Background: Taken from his family at the age of 2 by Darth Yeshnaal to be his apprentice, he was found to be very strong with the Force. This very young apprentice will soon surpass his master and assume the title of Dark Lord of the Sith.... he has "unique" Force abilities, like Darth Pleigus he can influece Midi-Chlorians to create life and to save people from death. His mother Ryssa was stripped of the Force, but his father was so powerful that he actually re-established her connection to the Force. His father was another Jedi Master named Shiv, who had actually surpassed Anakin's connection to the Force. (Does that tell you how powerful J'reasha is?)
Affiliation: Sith