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Rim help, I think

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11-12-2006, 6:36 PM
Hello, I am working on a hard type mod for TSL. I am editing the .rim characters with KOTOR TOOL. So far everything is going smoothly but when I get to the part in 103per the hk there is in the wrong spot and he doesn't engage in any dialogue. If I warp into 103per, he engages in the dialogue but i am stuck in the elevator. What did I do wrong?
11-13-2006, 2:35 PM
I am not too sure of what you mean by "editing the rim characters" but I assume that you've been editing .utc files. Note that before editing a .utc file, you have to ensure that it is unique otherwise, when you drop it in your override folder, you will overwrite all the other .utc files with the same name. See this thread for more info:

You can use findrefs ( to verify if the .utc file you want to edit is unique.
11-13-2006, 8:35 PM
You are right. I was editing the utc's. I think the culprit was p_hk048.utc(3298). I will have to check out that findrefs thing.

Edit: I have another question. If I take out that hk utc in my rim folder, do I have to start the game over to see if it fixes it or what?
11-13-2006, 9:11 PM
You will have to load a savegame prior to the point when p_hk048 is spawned. The game reads the .utc file to get the creature information when it attempts to spawn. From that point onwards, the creature becomes part of the game world, and the .utc is not used again unless it is needed to spawn another copy of the creature.
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