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"The Orion" Content Mod (WIP)

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11-04-2006, 9:29 PM
So anyways after I finished the Patterned Robe reskin I did way back in what I think was June I began steadily working on a Story based content mod. Which I've worked on steadily over these last few months. Right now it's probably around 95%ish percent complete. With only to finish the last half of the smallest module left to go.

I figured instead of posting about my project at the beginning I'd post about it near the end, so i'd actually have something interesting to show. Anyways, a little information about the content mod.

- The mod is basically 2 sidequests, 1 small "Introductory" sidequest that takes place in existing modules (ie: Tatooine, Korriban etc..) and 1 large sidequest which in this case spans over 5 custom modules. When I say custom, I'm referring to putting content into blank modules, not original maps. :P

- The content mod will be very story heavy, with the majority of the mod taking place on a trader ship named "The Orion". I'm not going into too much detail about the story because quite frankly, it would spoil your first playthrough.

- I've included a few new items, an example would be my Patterned Jedi robes. (Which now should support on both male and female characters.

- You will be able to start the sidequest initially by talking to an new NPC on Korriban.

- It will be released when it's done. It could be possibly completed by the end of this coming week, this all depends on how I strike the balance between college work and leisure time. Also I have that damned perfectionist gene, so until I'm perfectly happy with it, It won't be released. :P

Anyways, screenshots speak louder then words. So here are some teaser shots.

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11-05-2006, 12:48 AM
looking good these screenshots :)
keep it up and i like your gene. Never release something that isn't 100% done :)
11-05-2006, 2:02 PM
Looking pretty cool! If I had KOTOR I this would make me really happy. Keep up the good work.
 Darth InSidious
11-05-2006, 6:05 PM
Looking very nice! Keep up the good work :)
11-05-2006, 8:12 PM
Thanks for the nice comments. :)

Though depending on how you view this I have some good news, bad news. I've decided to pose pone the release of the mod for an unknown time to add some more content. This new content is basically a stretched out ending of what I originally had planned for the sidequest, but now rather then the small-ish ending, The ending is going to be rather grand and to my knowledge original.

Regardless I'll keep you all updated as progress continues. :P
11-26-2006, 8:48 AM
Some updates, I've been working on the extended ending for a while now. And am using the opertunity to explore something that hasn't to my knowledge been done in a mod well yet; Your players past as Revan, prior to the start of the game. This section will explore 3 different periods, including the Mandalorion wars and your time as Darth Revan. Check out some screens I took below of the work in progress.

Malak, party selection screen ( (Obviously in the finished version, only Malak will be available to choose)
Revan and Malak at the Battle of Taris (
Revan onboard his/her capital ship (
Same Again (
Cameo from Revans home built Assasin droid (

Its coming along nicely, I'm hoping to get it all finished and released before xmas.
 Ghost Down
11-26-2006, 9:05 AM
Sounds awsome!.. Will there also be voice overs?

- Ghost Down
11-26-2006, 9:22 AM
Uh huh, I'm doing what I can to piece together different sound files on Cool Edit Pro and stuff. Though it's kept to a minimum due to the draw backs of it.
 Darth InSidious
11-26-2006, 10:09 AM
Just gets better and better ;)
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