I picked up Armegeddon. Naturally, I made myself and then Dr. McNinja in Kreate-a-Fighter. Wow. This is a really fun game. 10/10.
Anyone else play it? It's online. :D
Also, every word that normally starts with C now has to start with K. At least on this krappy thread.
your sig is hueg like xbox
I was really interested in this game right until I found out it was exclusively not for Nintendo. *******s. Why would you make the previous two games for GCN, but not the final installment? What possible logic could lead to that conclusion? What, I ask? None! None! Oh god, my money, my beautiful hard earned money!
Wish I kould say I thought of it, but that's a lie. (drmcninja.com)
Wanted to try it...why did I spend all of my hard earned money on Kingdom hearts 1, brute force and Half life 1 antology? i_i
Dr. Mcninja! Wow, I completely missed out on him! I never even heard of it before. I just read the first comic about the lumberjack kid. It rocks. It has Ninjas, lumberjacks, MONKEYS! Everything that makes life awesome.
I was really interested in this game right until I found out it was exclusively not for Nintendo. *******s. Why would you make the previous two games for GCN, but not the final installment? What possible logic could lead to that conclusion? What, I ask? None! None! Oh god, my money, my beautiful hard earned money!
Here's a reason. They were waiting until they could replicate eyeball gouging technology properly. (
We hath laid you to retht in dethember and now you hath indeed returned.