Ever since LF upgraded to the whole next-generation vB thing and all, I've been noticing a little tag called "Referrals" in people's profiles. It says 0 for some, 1 for some and even 2 sometimes! What are these referrals, if I may ask, oh great LF users?
Ever since LF upgraded to the whole next-generation vB thing and all, I've been noticing a little tag called "Referrals" in people's profiles. It says 0 for some, 1 for some and even 2 sometimes! What are these referrals, if I may ask, oh great LF users?
Behold, the FAQ (
http://www.lucasforums.com/faq.php?faq=vb_board_usage#faq_vb_referrals_explai) n)! ;)
(It's essentially a small incentive to lure new people to the forums, as I understand it...)
WTH? I don't remember asking someone to join this? But what the heck, as long as it makes me look big, I'm happy. :D
I want a referral. Badly.
Okay, so I invited one dude (whoever he was). The FAQ says that the Admin may grant me a reward. So, what do I get?
It says 0 for some, 1 for some and even 2 sometimes! :xp: If you're surprised by 2(!) don't look at Darth333's or (gasp!) Redhawke's profile... :)
The FAQ says that the Admin may grant me a reward. So, what do I get?
What about a cookie? :burg1:
:xp: If you're surprised by 2(!) don't look at Darth333's or (gasp!) Redhawke's profile... :)
I smell PROPAGANDA!!!!
What about a cookie?
*sigh* If it must be...
*crunch crunch*
Don't feel bad about having only 1. Jimbo didn't even claim me as his referral source. He lost a husband point for that one. :D
Jimbo didn't even claim me as his referral source.
I would wonder why. :p
I think you need more than one referral for a reward, Sabretooth. :)
I think you need more than one referral for a reward, Sabretooth. :)
Nobody was claiming the reward anyways. :)
:xp: If you're surprised by 2(!) don't look at Darth333's or (gasp!) Redhawke's profile... :)
Bow before my awesome presence! :xp:
btw, is there any way we can see who were the ones we referred to LF? because i don't remember ever using my referral link and/or referring anyone here at all.
Could I have a referral please? I've referred someone to this site.
btw, is there any way we can see who were the ones we referred to LF? because i don't remember ever using my referral link and/or referring anyone here at all.
No, you can't see this information.
Btw, I never used my referral link either. However, when someone registers a new profile, there is a box that says If you were referred to this site by an existing member of LucasForums, enter their name here..
@ Pottsie: no, it belongs to the person who registers to the forums to type the name of the referral. In any event, for now, referrals don't give you anything apart virtual cookies (see my post above).