Something that needs to be fixed...? :xp:
(Sorry if the pic I provied is a wee bit big)
I've across people suffering from this before, but it's nothing to do with us. It seems to be some kind of browser cache issue that causes one image in your cache to become mixed up with another, thus making an image that just shouldn't be there appear.
I've seen someone post a screenshot of it happening to them on Google, where the Google logo was replaced with a photo of Britney Spears (I can't tell who is in your picture).
The quick fix would be to press ctrl+f5, forcing a redownload of cached images.
Does that work in Firefox too?
Nevermind just tried it lo, didn't know you could do that...
Looks like someone's bongo collection is overflowing into other ares... ;)
thats weird....
i wonder why it's there