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Vista arrives December 5 ?!!

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10-16-2006, 6:00 AM
Not sure if anyone noticed it but word had begun filtering out that Vista is due out on Decmeber 5. This goes against the expected release projection of Jan 2007.

I myself noticed it at Zdnet UK here (,39020330,39284078,00.htm). If you click that link you'll see that the story has been yanked !!

This is the guts of what it said...

"We will officially launch Vista, Microsoft Office 2007 and Exchange 2007 on 5 December," said David Hipwell, a Windows client sales professional at Microsoft. The business version of Vista - Vista Business - is expected to ship November 2006."

Fact or fiction ?? If it was bogus though, Zdnet would have just put up a disclaimer saying "this report has been denied" etc etc...

we'll just have to wait and see. Although Im quite happy with my xp media center setups, for any gamer worth their salt, a Vista upgrade is an inevitability, due to the carrot that is DirectX 10....

10-16-2006, 6:25 AM
I would like to think so. I'm planning on gettsing a new lappy for christmas, and it would be nice if Vista was readily installed so i don't have to fork out even more...
10-16-2006, 12:21 PM
I would like to think so. I'm planning on gettsing a new lappy for christmas, and it would be nice if Vista was readily installed so i don't have to fork out even more...

forget laptops! well spec'd laptops are far from portable nowdays. If mobility is important - you cant go past an ultramobile pc, like the asus r2h, samsung Q1 or ubiquio 701.

 Negative Sun
10-16-2006, 12:31 PM
I thought games were gonna be backwards compatible for a while at least? Cause not everyone can get Vista and DX10 straight away...
10-16-2006, 12:58 PM
I thought games were gonna be backwards compatible for a while at least? Cause not everyone can get Vista and DX10 straight away...

Games not released by Microsoft will most likely support DirectX 9 and/or OpenGL for quite some time (though with the DX10-specific features being disabled). It would be financial suicide for anyone else to release a product requiring DX10 since most of the customer base won't trip over themselves to get a new DX10-compatible graphics card and Windows Vista the second they become available. (Though I have no doubt some hardcore gamers will. :)) That neither is particularily cheap doesn't exactly encourage a mass switch either.

I'm going to wait at least 6 months before looking into Vista too much. If I remember correctly Windows XP was hideously buggy when it was first released to the public and it took Microsoft a few months to get it in reasonable shape. I'm not too keen on paying for the pleasure of "beta testing" something as important as the OS.

(That and I tend to go by "If it's not broken then don't fix it" when it comes to computers. As long as my Windows XP install runs fine and remains stable and can handle pretty much anything I need to do I see no reason to go through the enormous amount of work and headache a OS reinstallation tend to be.)
10-17-2006, 8:48 AM
forget laptops! well spec'd laptops are far from portable nowdays. If mobility is important - you cant go past an ultramobile pc, like the asus r2h, samsung Q1 or ubiquio 701.


Yes, but, can you get a full desktop into a two man room at college? Or on what will be my new home starting next year, a supertanker?(oh yes, oh yes. :xp: ) I need a balance, as you can't use a desktop on a flight to aussie land and TBH, i'm probably only going to be playing some smalltime game inbetween the reports & e-mails that are going to be churned out by the minute...
 Det. Bart Lasiter
10-17-2006, 4:09 PM
forget laptops! well spec'd laptops are far from portable nowdays. If mobility is important - you cant go past an ultramobile pc, like the asus r2h, samsung Q1 or ubiquio 701.

MacBook Pros are one of the fastest (if not the fastest) notebooks that can run Windows, and they're not too bad weight-wise.
10-18-2006, 9:23 AM
Games not released by Microsoft will most likely support DirectX 9 and/or OpenGL for quite some time (though with the DX10-specific features being disabled). It would be financial suicide for anyone else to release a product requiring DX10 since most of the customer base won't trip over themselves to get a new DX10-compatible graphics card and Windows Vista the second they become available. (Though I have no doubt some hardcore gamers will. :)) That neither is particularily cheap doesn't exactly encourage a mass switch either.Exactly. It is the consumers that will determine when "the switch" will occur. Sure, companies will push for it, but they are all to aware that doing so early can lead to disaster.

(That and I tend to go by "If it's not broken then don't fix it" when it comes to computers. As long as my Windows XP install runs fine and remains stable and can handle pretty much anything I need to do I see no reason to go through the enormous amount of work and headache a OS reinstallation tend to be.)That's how I operate as well, although my machine is old enough now that it can't really run new stuff. :(
10-18-2006, 10:27 AM
Yes, but, can you get a full desktop into a two man room at college? Or on what will be my new home starting next year, a supertanker?(oh yes, oh yes. :xp: ) I need a balance, as you can't use a desktop on a flight to aussie land and TBH, i'm probably only going to be playing some smalltime game inbetween the reports & e-mails that are going to be churned out by the minute...

A fellow Aussie!! Gday ;) Im down in Melbourne, theres a few of us around here now - which is good I say :)

I wasnt talking about desktops at all....ultramobile PCs are about 3/4 the size of an a4 sheet of paper and weigh less than a kilo. Run a full version of xp(tablet/vista) and double well as a desktop if docked with a keybaord. Im picking up my asus r2h next month, cant wait!

Another one available here in Oz is the ubiquio 701.

anyway, If youre looking for a desktop case that that isnt a 'supertanker' but has the space for a great gaming hardware the Thermaltake Lanbox ( looks pretty awesome....ive seen a quad sli setup in one, nice ;)

 Char Ell
10-18-2006, 10:55 AM
Although Im quite happy with my xp media center setups, for any gamer worth their salt, a Vista upgrade is an inevitability, due to the carrot that is DirectX 10.... So when do you think you'll make the upgrade to Vista, Astrotoy7?
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