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Jedi Forces Part I - Shadows of War

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 Jason Skywalker
10-03-2006, 4:08 AM
Yeah, i agree with Sabre, good chapters and sweet ending! And if i remember the other trilogy well:

Jaden is not dead.

Also, no Bavan, right?
10-03-2006, 6:55 AM
Just got to read the chapters, and great work. I like this one more than your others (Well, perhaps not as much as Sith Lord just as yet, lol) ... Can't wait for the next part :D
10-03-2006, 7:12 AM
Whoa this has fastly done...But it was Good:D wait for part to I shall
 Diego Varen
10-03-2006, 9:59 AM
Also, no Bavan, right?

Well, actually he may show up in either Part II or III.

Jaden hasn't died.

I doubt this is the best Fic I've wrote. It is either The Sith Lord (Worst Titled Fic) or Darkness Rising. Hopefully Parts II and III will be better. Thanks for the compliments all.
10-03-2006, 11:06 AM
You know what?

Good job on the fic! I love reading it...

Can't wait to read Jaden's destiny! Has she turned, or what?
 Diego Varen
10-03-2006, 11:48 AM
You know what?

Good job on the fic! I love reading it...

Can't wait to read Jaden's destiny! Has she turned, or what?

You'll find out soon enough. The next part is a much darker story to Shadows of War, similar to TSL being darker than KOTOR and TESB being darker than ANH.
10-03-2006, 12:49 PM
You'll find out soon enough. The next part is a much darker story to Shadows of War, similar to TSL being darker than KOTOR and TESB being darker than ANH.

Forgive me, can somebody tell me what TESB is and ANH is?
 Diego Varen
10-03-2006, 1:15 PM
Forgive me, can somebody tell me what TESB is and ANH is?

ANH - A New Hope
TESB - The Empire Strikes Back

And just in case you're wondering:

ROTJ - Return of the Jedi
TPM - The Phantom Menace
AOTC - Attack of the Clones
ROTS - Revenge of the Sith
 Diego Varen
10-05-2006, 2:32 AM
Name: Jaden Korr
Species: Human
Eye Colour: Hazel
Hair Colour: Brown
Favourite Weapon(s): Lightsaber/DL-44 Pistol
Lightsaber Colour(s): Purple
Favourite Ship(s): The Raven's Claw/X-Wing
Favourite Force Power(s): Basic Force Powers/Force Heal/Force Lightning/Force Protect/Force Grip/Force Absorb/Mind Trick/Force Drain
Master(s): Kyle Katarn
Apprentice(s): None
Homeworld: Coruscant
Political Affiliation: New Republic/Jedi Order
Occupation: Jedi Knight
Allies: New Republic/Jedi Order
Enemies: Imperial Remnant/Sith
Bio: Here (

Name: Rosh Penin
Species: Human
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Black
Favourite Weapon(s): Lightsaber
Lightsaber Colour(s): Yellow
Favourite Ship(s): The Raven's Claw/X-Wing
Favourite Force Power(s): Basic Force Powers/Force Heal/Force Lightning/Force Protect/Force Grip/Force Absorb/Mind Trick/Force Drain
Master(s): Kyle Katarn
Apprentice(s): None
Homeworld: Yavin IV
Political Affiliation: New Republic/Jedi Order
Occupation: Jedi Student
Allies: New Republic/Jedi Order
Enemies: Imperial Remnant/Sith
Bio: Here (

Name: Kyle Katarn
Species: Human
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Brown/Grey
Favourite Weapon(s): Lightsaber
Lightsaber Colour(s): Blue
Favourite Ship(s): The Raven's Claw
Favourite Force Power(s): Basic Force Powers/Force Heal/Force Lightning/Force Protect/Force Grip/Force Absorb/Mind Trick/Force Drain
Master(s): Luke Skywalker
Apprentice(s): Jaden Korr/Rosh Penin
Homeworld: Sulon
Political Affiliation: New Republic/Jedi Order
Occupation: Jedi Master
Allies: New Republic/Jedi Order
Enemies: Imperial Remnant/Sith
Bio: Here (

Name: Luke Skywalker
Species: Human
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Dark Blonde
Favourite Weapon(s): Lightsaber
Lightsaber Colour(s): Green
Favourite Ship(s): X-Wing
Favourite Force Power(s): Basic Force Powers
Master(s): Obi-Wan Kenobi/Yoda
Apprentice(s): Kyle Katarn/Many others
Homeworld: Born: Polis Massa/Raised: Tatooine
Political Affiliation: New Republic/Jedi Order
Occupation: Grand Jedi Master
Allies: New Republic/Jedi Order
Enemies: Imperial Remnant/Sith
Bio: Here (
 Jason Skywalker
10-05-2006, 5:01 AM
Good profiles, except that Jaden and possible Rosh use a Z-95 Headhunter, not a X-Wing. ;)
10-05-2006, 10:34 AM
Nice profiles.

@Jason: Everything is possible in EU.--Pottsie
 Diego Varen
10-05-2006, 11:22 AM
Nice profiles.

@Jason: Everything is possible in EU.

I swear I used the quote once. Anyway, Jaden does use an X-Wing in JA. I'm having trouble writing the second part and was thinking of leaving it aside, until I get inspiration, but I will do something else. Another KOTOR Fic, starring Revan and Bastila, after KOTOR with another crew and it is about Bastila trying to find redemption, after falling to the dark side.
10-05-2006, 12:08 PM
I swear I used the quote once. Anyway, Jaden does use an X-Wing in JA. I'm having trouble writing the second part and was thinking of leaving it aside, until I get inspiration, but I will do something else. Another KOTOR Fic, starring Revan and Bastila, after KOTOR with another crew and it is about Bastila trying to find redemption, after falling to the dark side.

You mean, "Everything is possible in EU"? Well, I'll accredit you because you said it before.

Right...Wait, another KOTOR fiction? Wow! KOTOR is always my favorite part of fictions, other than all other fictions. I mean, I'll read KOTOR first then others. I like them. When will you write a prologue?
 Diego Varen
10-05-2006, 12:44 PM
Right...Wait, another KOTOR fiction? Wow! KOTOR is always my favorite part of fictions, other than all other fictions. I mean, I'll read KOTOR first then others. I like them. When will you write a prologue?

No, there won't be any Nihilus, but I haven't even started writing it yet. Like the Jedi Forces Fics, I shall write several Chapters first, before posting. Glad to know you're interested.
10-05-2006, 6:56 PM
No, there won't be any Nihilus, but I haven't even started writing it yet. Like the Jedi Forces Fics, I shall write several Chapters first, before posting. Glad to know you're interested.

Not that...I don't mean I will actually appear in the fic, besides, I don't really care about it. but I just wonder when will you post the prologue?

However, of course, it's good to have me inside (In all, it's still your decision!)
 Diego Varen
10-06-2006, 1:37 AM
When I finish the Fic, I'll post the Prologue and Chapters.
10-06-2006, 1:44 AM
Do you have any sneek preview?
 Diego Varen
10-06-2006, 1:48 AM
Sure. Here is the first paragraph of Chapter I (Realised there is no Prologue).

Bastila Shan stood before the Jedi Council, taking deep breath before her trial started. While the Jedi Masters discussed amongst themselves, Bastila took the time to observe the masters in front of her. From the far left, Master Vrook stood. Vrook was known as a grumpy old man of the Jedi Order, but despite his impatience and quick anger, he was a kind old man who was usually easy to get along with. Next to him was Master Zhar, a Twi’lek master who had always been one of Bastila’s favourite masters. He was the one who had taught her how to construct a Lightsaber and he had taught her the Jedi Code. Next to him was the oldest and the wisest master of the Jedi Order. Despite his small size, Master Vandar had been the Jedi Order’s leader, since the beginning. He had taught Bastila from a Youngling, before a master had chosen Bastila to train as their apprentice. The masters stopped discussing amongst themselves and turned to see Bastila. Bastila was surprised at the lack of masters who had arrived to her trial. She had expected many of the other masters to be there. Masters like Master Dorak. Vandar spoke first.

“Good evening padawan Bastila,” He began, but he paused before continuing to speak, “We are glad you’ve arrived for your trial. Most Jedi have underestimated the masters in the past and haven’t turned up for their trials. Jedi like the ones who fought under Revan and Malak in the Mandalorian Wars.”

“Today will be the day that your fate with the Order will be continued,” Vrook continued.

“And today will be the day of your sentence,” Zhar continued, “Whether you’ll receive exile or something else.”

The masters remained quiet for a while, before Vrook spoke again.

“Do you know why we have called you here?” He asked.

Bastila nodded shyly, before speaking.

“Yes master,” She paused, trying to hold back the tears in her eyes, “I’m here to answer for the crime of falling to the dark side.”

“Indeed,” Zhar told Bastila, “Falling to the dark side and returning to the light is not an easy path, especially for a promising padawan like yourself.”

“Agreed,” Vandar agreed, “Only several Jedi have managed to return to the light. Jedi like Ulic Qel-Droma and your friends, Juhani and Revan.”

Once again, the Jedi Council remained quiet. This is it, Bastila thought nervously, this is the moment where I’m exiled from the Jedi Order, like those Jedi who had managed to return from the Mandalorian Wars.

“Of course, the destiny marked in front of you, will not be an easy one,” Zhar told Bastila, “For a Jedi we’ve decided not to exile.”

Bastila’s face lit up. Not exiled? Bastila had been surprised that Vrook had argued against it.

“Thank you masters,” She told them all, smiling away.

Of course, Bastila’s hapiness wouldn’t last for long, due to what Vandar had added.

“Do not consider our choice lightly,” Vandar told her, “For you’ll go on a mission, to see if your future will remain with us.”

A mission? That didn’t sound too bad. After saving the galaxy once, what else could be more difficult than that?

“We’ve decided to send you to find the exile,” Vrook told her.

The exile. Bastila’s hopes suddenly went even lower than before. The exile? The exile? She kept asking herself that same question over and over again. Which exile were the masters talking about?

“Is this the exile who had returned, after the Mandalorian Wars to answer for her crimes?” Bastila asked.

Zhar nodded.

“Sera Tana needs to be found,” Vrook told her, “We believe that her connection to the Force still remains.”

“How could you know?” Bastila asked, sounding slightly rude as she asked, “I seriously doubt that none of you have seen her, since her sentence, five years ago.”

“We haven’t seen her!” Vrook snapped, “And I doubt you haven’t either!”

“Patience Master Vrook!” Vandar warned, “This isn’t the time to discuss matters on the exile in front of padawan Bastila.”

“You may leave for your chambers, padawan,” Zhar told Bastila, “The other masters and I need to discuss once more about private matters.”

“As you wish Master Zhar,” Bastila told Zhar, bowing towards him, before leaving the council chambers.
10-06-2006, 1:57 AM
Good Chapter!!! Looking forward to see more! But take your time. There is no rush. You know, art can not be forced.

BTW: CSI Nar Shaddaa expecting some delays. My computer crashed and I have to re-install everything.
 Diego Varen
10-06-2006, 2:07 AM
Good Chapter!!! Looking forward to see more! But take your time. There is no rush. You know, art can not be forced.

BTW: CSI Nar Shaddaa expecting some delays. My computer crashed and I have to re-install everything.

Thanks. I am taking my time. And I pity for your Computer.
 Jason Skywalker
10-06-2006, 1:58 PM
Yeah, g luck John. Also, i liked the chapter. Sera Tana, nice name, i'm using Kira Bellatrix.
 Diego Varen
10-07-2006, 8:21 AM
Yeah, g luck John. Also, i liked the chapter. Sera Tana, nice name, i'm using Kira Bellatrix.

Thanks. To Darth Grivis, I will post Jedi Forces II, except I'm having Writer's Block with it. I'm only on Chapter II, so it may be shorter than Part I.
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