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Jedi Forces Preview

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 Diego Varen
09-28-2006, 1:55 AM
This is the Preview of the Jedi Forces Trilogy, which I will release as soon as possible. Please read and tell me what you think. I know it's short, but it is the Prologue of the first part of the Trilogy, Shadows of War.


: Message encoded to grand Jedi Master, Luke Skywalker, in the Jedi Academy on Yavin IV. Jedi Knight Jaden Korr transmitting. :

Since the battle on Korriban, I’ve been uneasy. I’ve been receiving nightmares of the dark side, threatening me, taunting me. I believe that since my recent confrontation with the dark side, its taint has touched my soul. Meditation doesn’t help. Resting doesn’t help. Sleep is impossible.

The assignment you sent me on can’t be completed. I recommend you don’t send anyone else on this mission for this Sith artefact, since I sense the dark side is slowly returning and will wreck havoc on the galaxy once again. Until I receive a reply, I shall plan to return to the Jedi Academy and try to get back to normal, unless you suggest another alternative. I await your response.

: Jaden Korr. End Transmission. :


: Message encoded to Jedi Knight, Jaden Korr, on Coruscant. Jedi Master Luke Skywalker transmitting. :

I wish I could respect your feelings and agree with you on this matter, Jaden, but leaving a taint of the dark side on a populated planet, such as Coruscant is too risky. I shall send some old friends of yours to find you. They will meet you in the spaceport tomorrow morning. Wait for their arrival. You will know who they are, when you see them.

: Luke Skywalker. End Transmission. :


: Message encoded to grand Jedi Master, Luke Skywalker, in the Jedi Academy on Yavin IV. Jedi Knight Jaden Korr transmitting. :

I will do as you wish Master Skywalker. Are these old friends my old Jedi Master, Kyle Katarn and Rosh Penin by any chance?

: Jaden Korr. End Transmission. :


Coming to LucasForums 2006. Be prepared.
 Jason Skywalker
09-28-2006, 4:39 AM
Oohh. Reallly nice preview.

"Oooh. I'm Rosh by the way. When you hear what i have to say, you'll understand." - Rosh Penin in the JA Edited Version.


Also, can you give us a description of Jaden?
09-28-2006, 7:09 AM
I like it! ... Nice preview and waiting to see the full thing :D
 Diego Varen
09-28-2006, 12:36 PM
Also, can you give us a description of Jaden?

*Prepares to be interviewed*

Well, she has brown hair, one of the Jedi type clothing and she has a Purple Lightsaber. I might not describe this in the Fic. This Fic has given me bad Writer's Block.

Also Jae, if you're reading this, is it possible to delete the [FIN] Preview Thread, since I can't delete it and I won't be using it as a Final Thread, so if it is possible, thanks.

Done. --Jae
 Emperor Devon
09-28-2006, 7:16 PM
He also has a kewl new villain. :D
09-28-2006, 9:20 PM
Sound good Pottsie I like the: Coming to LucasForums 2006. Be prepared.-Good:)
 Diego Varen
09-29-2006, 1:25 AM
Thanks all. Emperor D is right, a as he put it "kewl new villian" is in it. I won't reveal him or her though. So far I've completed the Prologue, Chapter I and Chapter II. I need to complete eight more Chapters and the Epilogue and I shall post the Shadows of War. Expect it sometime in late October/early November.
09-29-2006, 7:16 AM
Oh I thought you were going to post chap by chap:( oh well more to read at once:)
09-29-2006, 11:14 AM
:o faster faster new chapther and cooool transmission blogs
 Diego Varen
09-29-2006, 2:10 PM
Thanks for the comments, though I've decided to use this Thread as a preview for each Part of the Jedi Forces Trilogy. I might even do a fourth part, but as an RP.
 Diego Varen
10-04-2006, 2:20 AM
Here is the preview for Part II - Forbidden Return. Two new Characters were first created by LF member, steven. He created Jagger Delso (Grandson of Gizor Delso) and General Grievous II, who only features at the end of this part, similar to Emperor Devon in Part I.


Star Wars
Jedi Forces Part II - Forbidden Return

The JEDI ACADEMY on YAVIN IV has fallen to the new SITH ORDER, which is being led by EMPEROR DEVON. His new empire, including the SITH and the IMPERIAL REMNANT are on their way to taking the galaxy.

Along with that, several GENOSOSIANS have organised the new CONFEDERACY OF INDEPENDENT SYSTEMS and have built a new DROID FACTORY on their home world of GEONOSIS and have built a new DROID ARMY. Along with that, the organiser of the new CIS, JAGGER DELSO has built the ultimate weapon.

Meanwhile, the remaining JEDI who are still being led by the GRAND JEDI MASTER, LUKE SKYWALKER have all scattered across the galaxy, waiting to return to REPUBLIC SPACE, to save the NEW REPUBLIC from the upcoming devastation…


The newly promoted Admiral, Zack Khan paced outside of Emperor Devon’s new throne room. The throne room had once belonged to the grand Jedi Master, Luke Skywalker, but since the attack on the Jedi Academy, now renamed as the Sith Academy, had belonged to Devon. Devon, the dark lord of the Sith sat impatiently on his chair, waiting for news of his prisoner. A Jedi Knight who had been killed, during the battle. Through using a Probe Droid, the Jedi would come back to life. Devon hoped he could convert the Jedi to his cause. To the dark side.

“My lord, I must inspect the Shadow Army,” Zack told Devon, “I shall be back soon.”

Devon used the dark side of the Force to grip the elderly Admiral. He choked out loud, trying to get out of the grip. Soon, Devon did as he wished.

“Any later than five minutes Admiral and I shall demote you to your former position,” Devon warned Zack, “Do I make myself clear?”

Zack nodded and Devon sent him away.


Outside the Sith Academy, the Shadow Army proudly stood. Every single Stormtrooper had their normal white armour, redesigned to black, so they could blend in with the darkness. The new Reborn also wore black, instead of the cream robes they once wore. As soon as the Academy doors opened, every single trooper or Reborn stood to attention. Zack inspected them all and knew that they weren’t bad at all. In fact, he liked the fact that he was working under Devon. Devon had always been the strongest of the Sith. If he had led the Disciples of Ragnos, two years ago, they wouldn’t have failed. Of course, that was all in the past. There was no need to worry about the past anymore. The Sith had risen back to their former glory and the Galactic Empire would soon return. Everything was going great.


A scientist walked in, along with the Probe Droid that he had used to revive the Jedi.

“The Jedi has been revived, my lord,” The scientist told Devon, “Would you like to see her?”

Devon didn’t know what to do. He wanted to admire his new reign for a while longer, before leaving the throne room.

“I shall see her now,” Devon told the scientist.

The scientist bowed before Devon.

“As you wish my lord,” He added, before leaving the throne room, “Follow me.”

Underneath his long black hood, Devon felt himself smile. His plan was almost complete. The New Republic would once again be the Galactic Empire and the Jedi Order would be wiped out. It was all coming to plan.


Coming to LucasForums 2006. Be prepared.
 Diego Varen
10-04-2006, 2:33 AM
The Jedi Forces Trilogy Trivia
1. All of the Trilogy has had different colours for it's titles. The main Jedi Forces Trilogy Colour is sponsored by red. The Trilogy Titles are all different colours:

Shadows of War - Yellow
Forbidden Return - PaleTurquoise
Part III Unnamed - Green

2. Originally, the main villian was Darth Maverick, a renegade Jedi from the Jedi Academy. In the remake, the main villian has become Emperor Devon (Named after LF member Emperor Devon), who is a more threatening villian and Maverick has been degraded to just a mere apprentice.

3. Jaden Korr was originally Male in the original version of the Trilogy.

4. Maverick was named Maverick, because the idea came when I, Pottsie found out that Qui-Gon was always known as a Maverick type Jedi.

5. General/Admiral Zack Kahn has been used in both the original version and the remake. In both, he is the elderly General/Admiral, but in the remake, I've given him more character and better personality.

6. In the remake, I've made Kyle and Jan not see each other for two years (The years between the Jedi Knight games, Outcast and Academy). Both Parts II and III will have a sidequest, showing how their relationship has been destroyed by the lack of seeing each other and how they build it back up to friendship.

7. "Coming to LucasForums 2006. Be prepared." has been used with all the previews of the Trilogy. Although if the third part is released in 2007, the 2006 will be replaced by 2007.

8. This Triva idea was first used by both Wikipedia and Wookieepedia and LF Member, Sabretooth in his Fic, Victim of Betrayal.

9. I have thought of doing an RP Spin-Off, similar to Alkonium's idea with his Trilogy (Rescue of Mustafar, Triumph of the Republic and Fall of the Sith and the RP Spin-Offs, The Sith Resurrection and The Sith Resurrection Part II - Rise of the Jedi). More details to come when the third part has been completed.

10. Some of my fans/critics of my works, include the LF members, Jason Skywalker, Darth Grivis and many more. Occasional fans/critics include other LF members, Jae Onasi and Sabretooth.


Part I - Shadows of War

1. In the original version, my created Character Bavan Corral, descendant of one of my first created Characters, Jorran Corral was first featured in this part as Jaden's apprentice. Now Bavan will star in the third part (Unnamed at the moment) as a Jedi Knight or Master, depending on my decision.

2. In the original version, Jan Ors was also supposed to feature. Now she will feature in both Parts II and III.

3. Since Jaden's gender has changed, this part shows the developing romance between her and her friend Rosh Penin.


Part II - Forbidden Return

1. The Fic's original title in the original version was Vengeance of the Empire. The title has been changed, since the Empire doesn't really exist after the films and it is just the Imperial Remnant.

2. Two Characters in this Fic don't belong to me. Both Jagger Delso and General Grievous II belong to LF member, steven.

3. Boba Fett seems to have a main part in this part, for trying to get revenge on Jaden and get a bounty on Jagger.

4. Luke Skywalker, Kyle Katarn and Rosh Penin won't feature as much as the previous part, since this part is all about Jaden finding them and then bring back the forbidden return of the Jedi. I estimate all three Jedi to have at least three Chapters.

5. Several quotes will be taken from the Prequel/Original Trilogy. For example, "Damn, this is why I hate flying!" Shouted by Jaden is from Attack of the Clones when Obi-Wan is flying the Jedi Starfighter, except the only difference is he says blast instead of damn.


Part III - Unnamed

1. For the first time in any Star Wars Fic, Novel, etc, a Gungan Jedi will feature, alongside Bavan Corral. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

2. If there will be fifty Chapters, like planned, the Fic will be split into two parts. The first Part is The Droid War (Or The Geonosian War, which is named after steven's unfinished Fic) and the second part will be the Revenge of the Jedi (Which happens to be the original title for Return of the Jedi). Titles may change.

3. The Third Part Title will be named sometime near the end of the Forbidden Return Part.

4. In the original version of the final Part (Though it wasn't written), Pottsie was originally going to call the Gungan Jedi, Bar Bar Jinks as a tribute to Jar Jar Binks. Of course now, Pottsie needs to think up a new name for the Gungan.


This will be edited over time.
 Jason Skywalker
10-04-2006, 3:29 AM
Nice prologue and trivia, well done Pottsie.
10-04-2006, 7:17 AM
Agree I do on prolouge and trivia yesss yess
10-04-2006, 1:13 PM
I like to :ears1: storys about Revan and Bastila or Jaden, Rosh and anybody else...
This thing was over my beneath(if this is the right word) if not i didnt mean to offend anybody :lips1: :sweating:
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