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Jaden Korr - Male Or Female

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 Diego Varen
09-26-2006, 1:34 AM
I will soon be making a Trilogy, based on Jedi Academy (A rewrite of my so called Jedi Forces Trilogy). Anyway, I have no idea whether to make Jaden male or female. I’ve already had a Fic with a male Jaden (Which is canon) and I was thinking of having a female Jaden, who would get married to Rosh etc. If male, he would marry a new student (Not trying to give much away). Since I can’t make up my mind, I thought my fellow Forumites could help me. Vote and please post why. Thanks.

Edit: I voted for male, because I think Jaden is better male and I'm currently writing for a male Jaden, but I don't mind if you all vote female. Besides, there needs to be more female Jedi.
 Jason Skywalker
09-26-2006, 5:17 AM
Hmmm, i always liked the thought of Jaden being a female and marrying Rosh, probably getting some sense on him by slapping him around. :D

So, yeah, you have my answer.
09-26-2006, 10:47 AM
I voted female, just because the canon for these games always has you playing male. JKII, JA, KOTOR, KOTOR II... well, most of the JK games. Mysteries of the Sith does seem to have been an exception...

But I'm rambling. Basically, I voted female.
09-26-2006, 10:48 AM
i'll go with female, just for the heck of it :D
 Diego Varen
09-26-2006, 11:02 AM
Well not counting my vote, I'll do Jaden as a female. Also it is strange how the people who voted for Jaden as a male haven't said. I'm going to play Jedi Academy again later as a female, so I can do her in my Fic, before writing. My female Jaden is always different to my male Jaden, like my male Exile is different to my female Exile. Also wildjedi, I believe the canon gender for the Exile is female. I think Star Wars needs more female heroes. It's decided. I'll do a female Jaden.
09-26-2006, 12:29 PM

I strongly oppose this, but it's your idea though. Good luck. I voted male because I played male mostly, sometimes I choose Twi'Lek Female because of fun.
 Jason Skywalker
09-26-2006, 1:34 PM
Oh and, no Zabrak's and Twi'leks if she's marrying Rosh, in case you forget. :D
 Diego Varen
09-26-2006, 1:37 PM
Oh and, no Zabrak's and Twi'leks if she's marrying Rosh, in case you forget. :D

I was going to make Jaden Human anyway...
09-26-2006, 1:50 PM
Well not counting my vote, I'll do Jaden as a female. Also it is strange how the people who voted for Jaden as a male haven't said. I'm going to play Jedi Academy again later as a female, so I can do her in my Fic, before writing. My female Jaden is always different to my male Jaden, like my male Exile is different to my female Exile. Also wildjedi, I believe the canon gender for the Exile is female. I think Star Wars needs more female heroes. It's decided. I'll do a female Jaden.

Oh, wow! Last time I checked Wookiepedia, the Exile was male. Guess they changed their minds :p
 Jason Skywalker
09-26-2006, 1:55 PM
Nope, Exile's a fem. And a good one too... :D
09-26-2006, 1:57 PM
I voted female because I've read too many rpgs and fanfics about Jaden being a man. It's gotten boring( and she marring Rosh is a huge NO)
 Jason Skywalker
09-26-2006, 2:05 PM
Josh? Who's Josh? :p I think it's good, love is allowed, and she can slap and hack some sense into him. :xp:
09-26-2006, 2:09 PM
This might just be me but I feel that ROSH should have been killed by Alora. I've never liked him.
 Diego Varen
09-26-2006, 2:12 PM
This might just be me but I feel that ROSH should have been killed by Alora. I've never liked him.

I plan on improving his character. I admit, that he wasn't my favourite character either. I plan on making Jaden and Rosh, well you know. Anyway, I won't reveal more. You'll have to read. Writing Chapter 1 of 13 of the first part.
09-27-2006, 1:17 AM
Oh and, no Zabrak's and Twi'leks if she's marrying Rosh, in case you forget. :D
I wonder why people always say things like this? What would be the matter with this?

Maybe I have played too many RPG's but the fact is that you cannot control love and attraction, I am quite sure that relationships between different species can and do occur in Star Wars. They do all throughout sci-fi... curious.

I played Jaden as a female twilek.
 Jason Skywalker
09-27-2006, 4:31 AM
I wonder why people always say things like this? What would be the matter with this?

Maybe I have played too many RPG's but the fact is that you cannot control love and attraction, I am quite sure that relationships between different species can and do occur in Star Wars. They do all throughout sci-fi... curious.

I played Jaden as a female twilek.

That's just you talking because you wouldn't mind doing it with Mission. :D But now, this is getting off topic, and i hope this turns out a successful fic Pottsie! ;)

Not really. I just see this opinion often (Around here anyway) and just think it is strange... especially with the plethora of inter species relationships in sci-fi. -RH
 Jae Onasi
09-27-2006, 11:41 AM
I don't care about interspecies/intraspecies relationships as long as they aren't overly descriptive for a PG-13 forum. ;)

I don't recall seeing anything saying different SW species can't get together, but I've not read EU exhaustively. I just assumed that unless shown otherwise, the the different humanoid species could get together, because they haven't had retentive anatomy discussions that might lead me to think otherwise. In fact, the only time I saw a case where a human couldn't with an alien in _any_ sci-fi was in CJ Cherryh's 'Cuckoo's Egg' (which is a fabulous book, btw).

Just make Jaden whoever you want, Pottsie, and have fun writing it.
09-28-2006, 6:15 AM
How about releasing parallels? You could start one fic with a chick Jaden and another with male Jaden.

I pick a male JAden, though, because I just do, dunno why. It would be interesting to see a female Jaden, however...
10-09-2006, 8:44 PM
I'd say female Jaden.... I agree with Jason I always liked to think about Rosh and Jaden getting married they make a cute couple
 Diego Varen
10-10-2006, 1:21 AM
I'd say female Jaden.... I agree with Jason I always liked to think about Rosh and Jaden getting married they make a cute couple

Well DarthDani23, I did in the end do a female Jaden Fic.

Than I shall waive my magic wand and... presto! Thread closed... unless you need it later on Pottsie then a simple PM can fix that! :D -RH

Good one, RedHawke. I thought I was closing it and you beat me to it by literally moments--I ended up reopening it. And reclosing. :D --Jae
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