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King Of The CEC?

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 Diego Varen
09-22-2006, 2:04 AM
We all know who the Queen of the CEC is, but who is the King of the CEC? I vote for RC-1162, because he has been here the longest and is quite popular. If only he would return to vote. The Members who are having their User Names changed (And they might be in the Poll), please PM one of the Mods, so they can edit the Poll. Also, to the Mods, I'm sorry if this Thread is breaking the Rules (It isn't a popularity contest btw).
 Emperor Devon
09-22-2006, 2:22 AM
I vote for mach, despite not being on the list. He's the one who reviews all your fics, he seems the knowledgeable when it comes to writing, and I like his stories the most. :)
 Jason Skywalker
09-22-2006, 5:10 AM
@ Pottsie: Ya' mean Jae, right? Jk, i knew.

Well, i would vote for myself, but i ain't the King. :xp: So, i guess my vote goes to Sabretooth.
09-22-2006, 7:20 AM
:drop2: What??? I'm not on the list??? :tsk:

There are a lot of people here who could get my vote, so I'm gonna vote ''Other''. That should cover all of them (including some of the people already on the list)
09-22-2006, 9:08 AM
My, I'm on the list. I'm flattered. :p

I'll vote for ol' Potts, he's a good one. And besides, I've pretty much been the longest here. I wrote one of the first fics in this place. :xp:
 Jae Onasi
09-22-2006, 10:37 AM
Also, to the Mods, I'm sorry if this Thread is breaking the Rules (It isn't a popularity contest btw).

It's not breaking any Forum Rules (

However, even if you may not perceive it as a popularity contest, that's what it's going to end up being. It's asking who 'the best man on CEC' is. I'm very concerned about it causing hurt feelings, either because someone isn't listed on the poll or they don't get votes that they think they should get. Everyone has their unique sets of skills, and I think we really want to foster a sense of community and helpfulness. This could have the potential to undermine that.

I don't know 100% if this would cause a divisive atmosphere, but there's the possibility that this would happen. I know none of us wants to see that happen, and I'm just not comfortable with this possibility.

The other obvious reason is that you'll know from comments and views on your threads how things are going. You don't need a poll to tell you that.

It takes work to put together a story and post it. Anyone who takes the time to write and has the courage to post it for the rest of us to comment on and enjoy is royalty in my book. :)
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