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[FIC]Star Wars: CSI Na Shadda

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10-13-2006, 4:02 PM

That night, Revan threw a party at his complex and invited all his CSIs. Raised his glass, “I want to thank to everybody here for catching out bad guy. Good work! Cheers!”

“Cheers!” All CSIs raised their glass, too.

“First, I want to thank to Nihilus, for being my good buddy! And I want to thank him for volunteering to arrest our bad guy on that building!” Revan smiled.

“Oh, yeah, I guess after that, I need at least one week off.” Nihilus murmured.

Bao-Dur and Mical exploded a laughter.

“Secondly, I want to thank Bastila, Bao-Dur, Mical, and Brianna for aiding us throughout the case!”

“Awww, never mind, come on, Revan, we’re your friends! We’re the CSI!” Bao-Dur said.

“Me? I just provided a little information…” Mical replied.

“Third, Atton sometimes brought us some fun, right?”

“I have a bad feeling about this,” Atton joked.

“However, we’re happy because…” Revan’s holocron rang. Revan said, “Excuse me.”

In his room, he answered the transmission and an image of Vendar, a Jedi Council member appeared. “Revan,”



Outside, the CSIs were talking excitedly when Revan walked out from him room.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, I hate to interrupt this happy time, but I have a bad news and a good news to announce. Which you want to hear first?”

“Let me guess, the bad news is that sniper is not our guy? He’s just a copy cat?” Bastila asked.

Revan shook his head: “No, it’s not about the case. It’s about him.” He pointed at Nihilus.

“Come on, how worse can it be? Bad news first.” Nihilus said.

“The bad news is you’re leaving us. You have been dispatched to Coruscant.
The Coruscant had a new CSI lab, and they need a person to lead them.” Revan said heavily, “And Master Vendar appointed Nihilus.”

The whole living room fell into silence. Everybody was looking at Nihilus.

Embarrassed, Nihilus reminded them, “Well, let Revan announce his good news, ok?”

“Oh, yeah, what’s the good news?” Mical asked loudly enough to break the silence.

“Good news is, he’s been promoted to First Commander in Coruscant.” Revan finished.

“OK, this is not so bad at all,” Nihilus said and raised a glass, “Here, I’m not saying good-bye because we will meet again, right? Maybe a Cross-Jurisdiction will bring us together…again. Lastly, I want to say, eh, thank you, guys.”

Revan patted Nihilus’s back: “Yeah, hope you good luck.”

Bao-Dur shook Nihilus’s hand: “No problem. Who said we’re buddies?”

Mical said: “No problem. We’ll meet together. Promise?”

Bastila attempted to hug Nihilus, but failed because Nihilus is too tall: “Well, we will miss you.”

Brianna added, “Definitely.”

At last, Atton said: “No, we’re not going to miss you because we’re going to see each other again.”


Walking toward the balcony, Nihilus looked at the night sky. The stars were shining.

------The End------

[Off Topic: Ah...Finally...I finished this fic. Thanks to Pottsie, Dark_Lady, Jae and all other member for their support. Eh...@ Pott, if you want to proofread it, feel free to do so. Thanks again.]
10-13-2006, 4:08 PM
AWESOME!!! I love this fic and really really really can't wait to see more.
10-13-2006, 6:21 PM
Another good Chapter that is quite short, but it is still good. So how much more now, before CSI Coruscant begins?

Thanks for the compliment. Well, this fic is finished, but I still need time to plan for CSI: Coruscant.

AWESOME!!! I love this fic and really really really can't wait to see more.

Thanks. I'll try to write CSI: Coruscant ASAP.
 Master Revenge
02-08-2007, 5:39 AM
very intresting read man u got some talent
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