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Help: Creating a model from scratch. Tutorial needed

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 Draka Goth
09-12-2006, 9:54 PM
I want to make a new model for KOTOR: TSL, but I want to make it from scratch.

Could you please recomend me a good tutorial.

 Master Kavar
09-12-2006, 10:00 PM
Why yes, just go here ( for everything you need.
09-12-2006, 10:01 PM
depends what you are looking to model... lightsaber hilt? blaster? etc. etc. also what program are you using, 3dsmax/gmax... other... oh and btw Welcome to the forums :waive1: also, there are several tutorials in the modeling and skining tutorial section on the boards.
 Draka Goth
09-13-2006, 1:55 AM
I have an intention to make a AK-47 and an "Speznaz" gas-mask
09-13-2006, 3:59 AM
I can't help with the gas mask, but if you use gmax, you might want to check this out: AK-47 tutorial (
 Draka Goth
09-13-2006, 5:55 AM
thanks this would help a lot.
oh, and just one more question, is there like a web site for tutorials and stuff.

also I neet a tutorial for texturing
09-13-2006, 10:50 AM
You should check this sticky tutorial forum if you haven't already:
09-13-2006, 11:51 AM
there are quite a few good texturing tutorilas on the forums, and as far as a centralized location for general gmax tutorials, not specified towards KotOR, I don't know too many sites personally, but a google search for a specific subject will usually yeild some results
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