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]V[andalor Rising

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09-11-2006, 12:17 AM
Disclaimer: I know it's Mandalore but we have our reasons for dropping the E.

Greetings fellow EaW gamers! I don't normally do this sort of shameless publicity but I thought it might be a fresh idea. I am co-leader of a clan that has been in existance for about 5 months now called Mandalor Rising. We formed on EaW so, unlike a few others, we aren't a multi-game clan (though we did recently play a few BattleFront 2 games). We don't do a ton of recruiting (none of those recruitment games online BAH) but when we play with someone who is skilled and seems mature we occasionally invite players to join. The average age in the clan is mid 20's (some up in their upper thirties). We are all just a bunch of guys who love the game and try to be good sports and mature about the experience so everyone can have fun. We don't do a ton of bragging or mouthing other players. Anyway enough of the rant, hope to see everyone in the game (and when FoC comes out!). If you would like to visit us you can at:

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