does anybody know which tga file affects the *shiny* Look in TSL?
before in kotor 1 it was the CM_Baremetal.tga file that affected the shiny part of the armor, now its differrent. can sumbody please help thanks!
does anybody know which tga file affects the *shiny* Look in TSL?
before in kotor 1 it was the CM_Baremetal.tga file that affected the shiny part of the armor, now its differrent. can sumbody please help thanks!
As far as I know CM_Baremetal.tpc is still used as environment map to produce a shiny metal surface on most armors in TSL. There are a few other varieties for some metal parts, such as mycube.tpc for the gold details on Visas veil, but CM_Baremetal.tpc seems to be most common still.
But you need to remember that a texture will only be shiny(use CM_Baremetal) if the texture has an alpha channel.
The OE devs in their infinate wisdom killed many of the alpha channels in the K1 skins. So an armor that was shiny in K1 may not be shiny anymore in K2.
Is CM_Manun.tga used in TSL at all? I always prefered svцsh's custom version of CM_Manun to CM_Baremetal
Yes you can still use that in TSL same as in K1.