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09-11-2006, 10:56 PM
ya ray i tink dis topic is 1337 i mean it helps me be on the DL wif my haxr budz 2 lol we haxed like 20 gold off sum noob in neopetz lol and liek 20 magik arros in run escape lol were just hax wanna join mi crue da naym iz LEET BEETZ bcuz i ken compoz muzik n i maek itt alot so we do indeedd hav LEET BEETZ
09-11-2006, 11:41 PM
Actually they go in through the tear gland, and tap it a few times, severing nueral connections in the frontal lobe.

Wow, would have never thought going that route. Gross.
 St. Jimmy
09-12-2006, 1:41 AM
@ Cheez: *coughHAhhacough*
09-12-2006, 6:15 PM
That was satirical actually so laughing makes me feel better
 St. Jimmy
09-12-2006, 6:55 PM
I realize that. For once we're on the same page.
 Det. Bart Lasiter
09-12-2006, 11:55 PM
I actually can't sew yet. I'm in the sketching process at the moment.
I stitched a gash in my hand once. Since it was around Halloween I even stitched it with orange and black thread(s).
09-13-2006, 12:02 AM
Sounds uber-painful. And i never use uber. The only thing i've ever sewed was a Halloween cape for my cat, Kit, out of an old purple shirt and blue thread. It was very kindergarden looking.
 Det. Bart Lasiter
09-13-2006, 12:15 AM
Hospitals are a scam, I ain't lettin' them **** me out of money to do something I could do myself.

TRY IT AT HOME KIDS :thumbsup:
09-13-2006, 12:18 AM
Or just go to the local curandera down the block. She'll ease your backaches and give you 'from below the border' medicines 20 bucks flat.
09-13-2006, 12:36 AM
Or just leave it alone untill you pass out from blood loss. That's always fun.
 St. Jimmy
09-13-2006, 1:32 AM
absolutely. although I've never passed out. Never! have YOU?
Note: I have come pretty close though. In Cadets they make you stand at attention for LONG periods of time on very HOT days.
 Det. Bart Lasiter
09-13-2006, 2:44 PM
Or just go to the local curandera down the block. She'll ease your backaches and give you 'from below the border' medicines 20 bucks flat.
"I'm goin' back to Guatemala for some more cheap sur-I mean missionary work!"
09-13-2006, 4:54 PM
Or pull it out through your nose, like that part in Total Recall where Arnold Swacheneageraraa takes a homing chip out of his noggin. To this day it looks crazy painful to me.

Aqua Teen Hunger Force FTW.
09-13-2006, 5:55 PM

@milo, member that spamming n00b who wouldn't stop talking leet?
09-13-2006, 6:03 PM
ya ray i tink dis topic is 1337 i mean it helps me be on the DL wif my haxr budz 2 lol we haxed like 20 gold off sum noob in neopetz lol and liek 20 magik arros in run escape lol were just hax wanna join mi crue da naym iz LEET BEETZ bcuz i ken compoz muzik n i maek itt alot so we do indeedd hav LEET BEETZ

whytf not as long as you're not a bunch a script kiddies. Oh and there's an admin system i wrote for neopets i'll show it to you. (it's under my friend's name though in case.) Sux for me mate. Good for me though.

On another note: God i hate midterms, they suxxorz asszorz!!!!!
09-13-2006, 7:01 PM
...Ray isn't a n00b Halo. He just dissappeared, like Squid. Except Squid never came back ~tear~
09-13-2006, 7:05 PM
No not him.

this guy named 1_337.
in the RC forums.

alls he did was speak leet.

hes banned now.
 St. Jimmy
09-13-2006, 8:08 PM
what a dick. no-wonder he was banned.
09-13-2006, 9:07 PM
I dunno bout you guys, but we gots tons of curanderas here. But passing out is always fun. Though of course, as soon as I see myself bleeding, I suck the wound hoping it means I'm taking back the blood I lost, and thus my bloodflow is in a state of perfect harmony.

My blood tastes like metal.

No, really.
 St. Jimmy
09-13-2006, 9:09 PM
So does mine. I HATE that taste. HATE HATE HATE it!!!! arghggghg!
09-13-2006, 9:14 PM
I dont really mind it, I just cant tell why vamps make such a big whoop about it. Blood just tastes like spoon. My friends says her blood tastes sweet...that scares me. She's lucky though, but it means vamps would really like her.
09-13-2006, 9:15 PM
My blood taste pretty good. Maybe you two have low blood suger, I know mine is pretty good.
 St. Jimmy
09-13-2006, 9:17 PM
Maybe Ave, Mayhem, that's jusk fuh-reaky. I think of spoons too when I taste my blood. and coins.
09-13-2006, 9:20 PM
EXACTLY. Like a spoon/quarter mixture. Maybe I do have low-blood sugar...

Man, this thread is getting weird . . .
 St. Jimmy
09-13-2006, 9:22 PM
So Ave, what exactly DOES your blood taste like? *eats sugared peanuts*
09-13-2006, 9:24 PM
I imagine sweet blood tasting like Jamaica, this drink made of dried hibiscus blossoms (yummy-yummy in yo tummy!) cuz the color is similiar.
09-13-2006, 9:26 PM
So Ave, what exactly DOES your blood taste like? *eats sugared peanuts*
It taste like....unsalted white rice.
 St. Jimmy
09-13-2006, 9:28 PM
It taste like....unsalted white rice.
I can't say I drink too many red drinks myself... wouldn't it be cool if you could buy this stuff for your blood so when you cut yourself and sucked the cut IT FLAVOURED THE BLOOD!!! I'd get choclate or rasberry. Of course this could lead to too many people dying of blood loss. And a whole new range of crimes...
09-13-2006, 9:29 PM

@milo, member that spamming n00b who wouldn't stop talking leet?
Yes. I hated that guy. He didn't even have a clue.
09-13-2006, 9:31 PM
True that. True that. Jamaica has to blood color down pat, I'm sure if you just add some powdered okra, gelatin mix or cornstarch you could get the consistensy too. I'd pick strawberry. Or watermelon.
09-13-2006, 9:31 PM
It was funny when MC got mad at him.

I laughed so hard.
 St. Jimmy
09-13-2006, 9:33 PM
how weird would 'grape' be? hmmm....
09-13-2006, 9:35 PM
No one can do grape flavor right. Cough syrups ruined it for everybody.
09-13-2006, 9:36 PM

How weird would lemon be?
 St. Jimmy
09-13-2006, 9:37 PM
I like cough syrup. and cough lollies. In fact sometimes I find it hard to NOT drink them when I'm not sick. (there's rarely ever anything to eat around here)
OH MAN!!! Lemon would be great! it's my new favourite.
09-13-2006, 9:40 PM
Leom would be good. Oh! So would green-apple! Those hard mint candies for your throat are the only good medicine. When I'm sick, I take like 7 though I shouldn't cuz I like that cool breath feeling.
 St. Jimmy
09-13-2006, 9:41 PM
yeah, and Butter Menthols
09-13-2006, 9:44 PM
Oh, those come in toffee flavor too, tasty :9. Ooh, I'd love for my blood to taste like caramel toffee!
09-13-2006, 9:45 PM
I don't like Richola!
 St. Jimmy
09-13-2006, 9:46 PM
I was thinking caramel as well but that would be a little creepy.
09-13-2006, 10:16 PM
...Ray isn't a n00b Halo. He just dissappeared, like Squid. Except Squid never came back ~tear~

Thank you Ave I feel your pain.

Now on the topic of taste of blood. Mine taste like programming. mmmmmmmmmmm just like momma used to make.

but mostly metal

or maybe wine
09-13-2006, 10:50 PM
Just now, I tried an uncooked, unsalted grain of rice. Darth, consider yourself lucky to have such tasty blood (lol, this thread is so random and weird and wrong). Me and Jimmy and Ray will form the 'untasty blood club' that disbands days later due to internal conflicts. Since it makes me feel better, you're more likely to get attacked by vampires.
09-13-2006, 11:05 PM
lol (thats seriously all ihave to say)

i mean it
09-13-2006, 11:11 PM
I know, I'm just a whimsical person like that.
 St. Jimmy
09-13-2006, 11:18 PM
We need badges.
09-13-2006, 11:31 PM
Oh but of course! *hands out badges upon a silken pillow*
 St. Jimmy
09-13-2006, 11:33 PM
cheers. *sews badge directly to arm* (with blue thread.)
09-13-2006, 11:37 PM
I actually kind of like the taste of blood. And metal. Except for aluminum foil. That hurts like a mother when you bite it.
09-13-2006, 11:54 PM
You tried? All I've tried was a spoon, and thats a given.
 St. Jimmy
09-14-2006, 1:12 AM
How could you NOT end up tasting a spoon?! And I was forewarned by a book about the alfoil thing and so far I've resisted the urge to put it in my mouth and bite down on it. But I can imagine it's quite painfull...
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