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star wars return of the mandalorians part 2

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 big daddy
09-08-2006, 4:06 PM
Prolouge- After the second death star exploded the empire was shattered, and the new republic was still organizing its government. Some people took this oppertunitty and got rich, but others siezed the oppertonity to rise to power. One of these was a vetran bounty hunter named Boba Fett. Boba had been through many near death expereances including his narrow escsape from the scarloc pit. Boba had seen the rise and fall of the empire, he knew that an empire or republic was at its weakest in the begining of its regein.
Boba knew that if the mandalorians were ever going to regian power this was the time to do it. Boba begain to reaserch every planets background. He found some very interesting data conserning an astroid that mysteriously floated into orbit around Dagobah. Two years later a single republic star ship disappered in that area. During the turning point in the war agains't the empire a small convoy for badly needed reinforcements was reported lost in the same area. Boba found this interesting and decided to investigate.

Chapter 1 the disturbing discovery

Boba had let his remote hideout on the almost deserted planet of Kamino. He didn’t use his infamous ship slave one he used a smaller faster civilian ship known as the star racer. When Boba entered the area of which the ships had disappeared his radar suddenly was malfunctioning and all his computer grids were shut down. Boba knew he was in trouble. He switched his viewing screen to thermal vision; what he saw made him sick. Right in front of Boba was the remains of starships dating back to long before the clone wars. What was even scarier was the fact that all of the remains of these convoy ships were hidden under a mysterious cloaking device. Then suddenly out of nowhere a dozen of droid star fighters zoomed down on Boba. The droid ships opened fire with supercharged turbo lasers, but Boba easily dodged them. The space battle went on for hours, until Boba had at last out maneuvered all of them. Boba then proceeded to land on Dagabah. He then set up a super powered telescope and a laser mice. Apparently, he had unknowingly stumbled upon the largest droid star fighter force ever made. He soon began to wonder how could the droids keep a star fighter force so undetected by imperial probe droids, then it came to him, there must be a large number of droid armies on Dagabah’s mysterious asteroid moon. Boba then fell asleep.
The next day Boba again checked his equipment, none of his radars worked. He then looked at his telescope he was able to make out to droid scout ships and a landing force heading toward the planet. Boba knew what he had to do, he quickly took down his telescope and packed up all his things, and then he ran into the dense overgrown jungle. As he was running he heard the droid ships land nearby. He then came to a small clearing and in front of him were four AATs along with a battle tank never before seen by any human. This tank was huge. The tank resembled an old republican landing craft but it had two huge tracks and one massive turret with a barrel at least two times the size of the AAt’s barrel. Boba knew he was in trouble, and the droid landing party was closing in behind him there was only one thing to do.

Chapter 2 the escape from Dagabah

Boba had only seconds to make his decision he could try to sneak past the droids on the ground or he could activate his jet pack, alerting everyone, and try to get back to his ship alive. He saw a droid STAP zoom by now was his chance he sprinted to the new tank he read the letters printed on it; it said armored super battle tank or ASBT Boba carefully climbed inside. Inside he found it almost deserted then he heard droids coming, so he hid behind several ammo containers. The droids he saw brought back memories then he noticed something very odd the droids he remembered were a brownish color these were actually camouflaged. They had brand new armor that would deflect any poorly aimed blaster shot, and they had reinforced circuit boxes. “They sure learned their lesson in the first war,” muttered Boba. Then he began to count twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two, then a voice he knew all to well stopped him in his tracks.
Wat Tambor emerged saying “have you come to settle a score Mr. Fett or to have dinner as old friends.” Boba stood up saying “I wish I could say the latter but I’m not here for the first either.” “Then why are you here,” said Wat. Boba replied saying “I think you should start by giving me some information, like why you didn’t die when Mustafar was destroyed or when Anakin sliced you in half.” “Well if you insist,” said Tambor, “I am a master of weapons and defense strategies, and do you really think that Kamino was the only planet with a large scale cloning facility, well any way I never did trust Palpatine he was a sith, a human not one of my creations like the probe in Grievous’ brain to make him do what I want and when I want. I controlled him ever since I met him I told the droids to surrender and I made Grievous send us to Mustafar. Why, you ask because I needed to disappear. However because of me species I could only make one clone, so you are talking to the real me not a clone. You never did tell me why you were here.” Oh yeah, I was here to see why convoy’s of military ships were wiped off the map,” said Boba.
“Oh how touching, replied Wat “I am going to really kill you this time.” Boba quickly said, “I think we can help each other first.”

Chapter 3 Dinner with new allies or bitter enemies

Boba and Wat were escorted by super battle droids to the main dinner hall where all of Wat’s military advisors and all his program specialists but what surprised Boba was the fact that he saw captured clone troopers working hard and trying competitively to please Wat and his officials. Boba spoke to one of the troopers saying, “why are you working for Wat he killed your friends and your comrades in the war against the separatists.” The clone replied, “Although the war was over for the rest of the galaxy we were and still are his prisoners. If we don’t do what he says we get beaten and killed. Say what your name was again?” “My name is one to be proud of I am just like you except I had no growth acceleration, I am Boba Fett the son of Jango Fett giver of the DNA sample that created you.” Then in a whisper he said “Do you have weapons? Meet me tonight at the mess hall you will be free and bring your guns.” Shortly after Boba and Wat set down to eat dinner; they had a conversation about weapon advancement and peace in the galaxy. Wat then asked, “So how can we help each other.” Boba replied we can help each other by giving the other what he wants. Here’s an example you help me conquer the galaxy in exchange for freedom, no punishment, and overseeing all weapons and army production as my chief military advisor.”
Wat said, “An ingenious idea to bad I thought of it first and the part about you wasn’t there.” “Yes I thought you would say that but you forgot to mention that I can still kick you’re ugly half metal half alien a**.” “Bravo, bravo said Wat it’s a deal, but we’re going to need more soldiers because I only have one hundred thousand super battle droids and one million battle droids. However, I do have about ten thousand destroyer droids that can be used to anchor an attack or to be used as fast attack units.”
Boba said “I have a small force of five thousand veteran mandalorians and their leaders.” Have you not restored their once great power yet Boba, I’m disappointed but that will do,” said Wat.”

Chapter 4 the Return of the Separatists

Boba and Wat were beginning to raise their armies and organize their troops. Wat showed Boba his whole facility and his new and improved super battle droids. The new droids actually had maps and computers that would read out battle scenes and move to the position most needed. Boba was impressed, (or at least he acted like it). Wat then took Boba to his grand balcony, which looked similar to the arena where his father was killed. This brought a sickening feeling to Boba he was no longer able to think or to see what was happening, everything went black.
When he woke up Boba was lying where he was last, the balcony in the grand room, but, when he walked around he found everything gone deserted then, he heard footsteps and he turned to see two battle droids walking down the hall. Boba then heard them say you’re under arrest put your hands up. Boba slowly began to put his hands up then suddenly he thrust his hands down and reached for his blasters but he found his holsters empty, he was enraged. Wat had tricked him drugged his food and relied on a painful memory to bring about the total effect of this drug. Boba then dove to the side dogging the oncoming laser fire. Boba then activated his flame thrower and rushed the two droids. They burned quickly, and then he grabbed one of the droids blasters and began running down the hall then he ran into an invisible wall or so he thought. Then everything went black again Boba woke up again standing next to Wat this time he had his blasters and he pulled them out saying what did you do to me. Wat said “was the virtual training to much for you.” Boba then realized that nothing was wrong he holstered his blaster and said that was good but I got away from your two droids quickly an….. Save it said Wat it was just a little game and I also wanted you to know that that was what my troops went through for there training and that you were on level one of four thousand and all my troops go through every single one.”
 Diego Varen
09-08-2006, 4:21 PM
snipped--Jae Anyway, good, but next time, the Chapters and Prologue should be split up in different Posts (You're allowed to double Post in your own Threads) and perhaps a bit longer. Needs editing and description. Read some good Fanfics from both the CEC and the Jedi Archives. I reccomend:

Mine: In my Sig in my Post
Jae Onasi: The Adventures of Jolee Bindo
igyman: The True Teachings Saga
RC-1162: Mace Windu: Jedi Master Reborn

Many more to choose from, but those I must mention.
 big daddy
10-18-2006, 9:14 PM
should i continue this thread? please respond to my queston thanks :-)
 big daddy
11-06-2006, 5:20 PM
Chapter 5 Boba’s Journey Home

Boba and Wat said good-by and then went there separate ways they would stay in touch by comlink. Boba was eager to return home he had to begin preparing his troops for the coming battle. He assigned twenty mandalorians to one mandalorian commander. Then he gave them missions such as he sent five hundred men to Ren-Var to train in the cold. Boba was a good field commander because he would lead his troops while fighting with them. He was the bravest Mandalore that ever lead his troops in battle. Months passed before Wat and Boba spoke then one night a small ship breached the Kaminoian’s atmosphere Boba was warned and summoned he said “send up the basilisk assault ships tell them to use there ion cannons then send a droid in to pilot the ship to the surface I will personally see to the capture and interrogation of the passengers.

this is part 1of chapter 5 i am grounded so i cant type much. i would like some feedback please tell me if you like the story so far thanks big daddy
 Diego Varen
11-07-2006, 1:31 AM
No offense big daddy, but perhaps you should wait until you have a bit more than one paragraph for a part (Please note this is Chapter 2 and not Part 1, since Chapter 1 was in your first Post). Mandalorians requires a capital, Droid possibly and Rhen Var is the correct spelling. Other than that, the spelling/grammar seems okay. But I would get at least a page for a Chapter, since this isn't very good in terms of lengths, but I suppose since you're no longer grounded, you can probably write a lot. I await more Chapters.
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