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[Fic] The True Teachings III: Slumbering Army

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09-07-2006, 3:53 PM
Nope. The 'ten years after the Yuuzhan Vong war' story is finished. It just served as an explanation for HK's appearance and his role. The fourth part will entirely occur in the Legacy Era, some time after the second issue of the Legacy comics (I'm not telling exactly how much time after, because I don't want to spoil it) and after the Legacy Era events described in this part of the fic. Expect appearances of characters from the Legacy comics and of course Ralik, HK and maybe a few new ones.
(I actually picked that era because I'm not thrilled with the Legacy comics and I want to try to make a good story out of a cheesy one and do the same for those characters)
 Diego Varen
09-07-2006, 4:05 PM
Sounds good. I've never read the Legacy Comics, so I don't know much.
09-07-2006, 4:15 PM
So what do you think of them? Personally, the way the characters act in those comics reminds me a little too much of Conan the Barbarian. I like the basic plot, just not how it's presented.
KoTOR comics on the other hand are much better. And I also liked those two KoTOR stories from Tales of the Jedi #23 and #24. I don't know if you've read those.

I don't know much either, but still I'm going to give it a shot. Maybe now, with all those new characters I can make a fic that has more than fifteen chapters (counting the prologue and epilogue).
 Diego Varen
09-07-2006, 4:52 PM
So what do you think of them? Personally, the way the characters act in those comics reminds me a little too much of Conan the Barbarian. I like the basic plot, just not how it's presented.
KoTOR comics on the other hand are much better. And I also liked those two KoTOR stories from Tales of the Jedi #23 and #24. I don't know if you've read those.

I don't know much either, but still I'm going to give it a shot. Maybe now, with all those new characters I can make a fic that has more than fifteen chapters (counting the prologue and epilogue).

Sorry, I meant I haven't read them (I'm tired sorry, editing Post now). Anyway, I await Part Four.
09-07-2006, 4:55 PM
Ah, well if you're interested in those characters you might want to check it out at wookieepedia. :)

As for the fourth part, like with these I've written so far, it will take me at least a week to finish it, so expect it at the end of next week.
09-08-2006, 6:45 AM
Great end to this part. Looking forward to the next and hope its up soon ... I want to find out what going to happen with HK and T3 :D and the armada Ralik is forming. Haha, no pressure though :D lol.
09-08-2006, 6:56 AM
Thanks. Like I said, I'll probably finish it by next thursday, or friday. There's a lot characters to work with and I have to think of a good way to fit them into the story.

Anyway, for those who haven't read the Legacy comics and are interested in the characters, here's a list of names you can search on wookieepedia (or maybe somewhere else):

Cade Skywalker
Kol Skywalker
Jariah Syn
Deliah Blue
Roan Fel
Marasiah Fel
Shado Vao
Astraal Vao
Darth Krayt
Darth Talon
Darth Nihl
Darth Wyyrlok
Darth Maladi
Darth Stryfe

That's enough for now, gotta get back to writing. :D
 Darth Jester
09-08-2006, 10:30 AM
Good work I love the way you have captured HK's personality, cant wait for the next chapter keep it up
09-08-2006, 1:11 PM
uh, dude, Epilogue means 'last chapter' ;)
excellent job, iggy. you have improved lots since your first fic. i cant wait for the supposed-action-packed 4th part :D
now i had better get back to writing myself before you n00bs steal my glory :xp: j/k :D
09-08-2006, 5:49 PM
You do that. You know I was wondering what's up with ''Assassination Protocols''. :D
 Diego Varen
09-08-2006, 5:57 PM
You do that. You know I was wondering what's up with ''Assassination Protocols''. :D

And Galactic Conquest.
09-09-2006, 2:34 AM
well, its been quite a while, and i have to re-read all i've written to get the ideas flowing again, so, it might take a little more time. but i'll get it up. :)
09-23-2006, 5:29 PM
My pleasure to say once again a good fic and a question do you belive Jacen Solo is Darth Krayt?
09-23-2006, 6:23 PM
You'll find that out if you read part four. :D To be a little more precise, I'll post a chapter tomorrow (or should I say later today) which will answer your question.
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