Hi, This is a new role-playing clan for those who like to play as Rebels.
I know my name is ImpElite, but when I played EAW I ended up being better with and liked playing Rebels more than Imperials.
This clan does not require you to register at a website or do anything except see me (or future recruiters for the clan) in-game and prove that you know how to use the Rebels.
If this clan gets large enough, if most of the people in the clan would like to have a clan war, then it has a good chance of getting a clan war.
When I get online later I'll change my name so if you're interested contact me in-game through buddy chat/or on these forums and we'll contact each other in-game sometime.
Ok, my nickname online now is [Reb]RebElite
Hope to hear from you all soon.
I'm just wondering if I joined would I need to get team speak or anything like that?
No you don't need anything at all.
Then I will join :) My specialty is space combat.
:awing: Good, welcome to the clan then!
When you get a chance please change your name to [Reb]Kenno .
I'll add you to my buddy list when I get online.
This sounds like an interesting clan to join. I do enjoy a good RP and have a lot of fun RP with rebels. I am better with imperials I think but 501st looks like it died. Hope this guild isnt dead! I'm in if I can join :thmbup1:
This sounds like an interesting clan to join. I do enjoy a good RP and have a lot of fun RP with rebels. I am better with imperials I think but 501st looks like it died. Hope this guild isnt dead! I'm in if I can join :thmbup1:
Yeah you can join :D and the clan isn't dead or anything, to some this is a small amount but to others this is a big amount but we have around 15 members so far, some of them almost never get online but can't complain :)
Next time you go play online on EAW please change your name to [Reb]*your online name here*. :)
When two other clan members who get on practically all the time online and I got FOC, we all liked the Zann Consortium more than the Rebel Alliance, so we decided we would change the clan name to [Consortium], my (EAW) online nickname is now [Consortium]Elite.