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Generals of the War

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 Diego Varen
08-11-2006, 4:23 PM
This is a new Fic I plan to write. It is set two years after AOTC and it stars a General known as Zidney Sophos (Sophos is Latin for wise man and Zidney is a my Star Wars version of the name Sidney.) I also plan this Fic to star characters from the Prequel Trilogy and it will include one character from one of my other Fics. I hope to get the first Chapter soon.

EDIT: This, Into the Future and The Fallen Jedi aren't going to be continued, so there is no need for these to be reviewed. Thank you.
08-11-2006, 4:27 PM
sounds good pottsie:D
08-11-2006, 4:57 PM
Looking forward to it. :)
 Jason Skywalker
08-11-2006, 5:17 PM
Sounds good. The problem is, you never make up your mind. :D
 Diego Varen
08-11-2006, 5:22 PM
Sounds good. The problem is, you never make up your mind. :D

Oh I agree.
 Diego Varen
08-11-2006, 7:04 PM
Sorry if this Chapter is short, but this is an introduction. Enjoy.

Chapter I

General Grievous, the Droid General stood in the tall tower on the Planet, Maytar. He was with the Dark Lord of the Sith and the leader of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Darth Tyranus, however he was mostly known as Count Dooku. General Grievous watched as the majority of the Droid army were killing many Clone Troopers. Nobody could save the Clones, unless reinforcements were brought in. Dooku interrupted his thoughts.

“How are we doing General?” Dooku asked, with a tone of impatience in his voice.

“We are winning as predicted.” Grievous told Dooku.

“Good,” He told Grievous, “Continue to watch over the battle and don’t let any Clone Trooper, Republic officer or Jedi enter the tower. We can’t afford to lose the plans of the battle station.”

Dooku left Grievous alone in the office, to see their master in the throne room. As soon as Dooku left, Grievous returned to watch over the battle.


Dooku entered the throne room and bowed to his master.

“Lord Sidious, the Clones are falling to the Droid army,” He told his master, “The Republic haven’t sent any reinforcements. At this rate, they will lose.”

“Excellent,” Darth Sidious told Dooku, “Do you still have the plans for our battle station?”

Dooku reached into his pocket and took out a small datapad. He handed it to Sidious, who snatched it out of his hands.

“I shall need extra security for this,” Sidious told Dooku, “Protect these plans with your life.”

“As you wish my lord.” He told Sidious and he got up off the floor.

Dooku left the room.


“Don’t move!” A voice shouted, “I’m not afraid to use this blaster.”

Without turning round, Grievous knew who it was. It was Officer Dak Starkiller, a well-respected Republic officer who had served in the Battle of Naboo.

“Officer Starkiller, it is a pleasure to finally meet you in person.” He told Officer Starkiller.

“It isn’t a pleasure for me General,” He told Grievous, “Now surrender and your life shall be spared.”

Grievous immediately turned around and grabbed one of his prized Lightsabers. With one swipe, he cut off Officer Starkiller’s left arm. Officer Starkiller yelled in pain and he dropped his blaster. Grievous maliciously laughed.

“Republic fool!” He shouted, “The Republic is a sinking ship and you will soon sink with it!”

“You won’t get away with this General!” Officer Starkiller shouted angrily.

“Oh, but I think I will.” Grievous told him, “Take him away!”

Two Battle Droids entered the room and grabbed Officer Starkiller. The Clone Wars was far from ending.

Stay tuned for Chapter II Lucky Escapes
08-11-2006, 7:25 PM
awsome pottsie good to see starkiller back and GG
 Jae Onasi
08-13-2006, 6:31 PM
Pottsie, please don't delete threads if others have already posted in it, because it affects their post counts. Please contact me or another moderator to lock it instead. Thanks, Jae.
 Diego Varen
08-13-2006, 6:41 PM
Pottsie, please don't delete threads if others have already posted in it, because it affects their post counts. Please contact me or another moderator to lock it instead. Thanks, Jae.

Sorry about deleting them Jae. It won't happen again. I'll try to concentrate on all my new Fics as soon as possible. Also Jae, how did you manage to bring back the old Threads?

It's one of the moderator functions.--Jae

Oh right. Thanks Jae.
08-13-2006, 6:44 PM
Before I begin to read these, which ones are you planning on continueing, Pottsie?
 Diego Varen
08-13-2006, 6:47 PM
Before I begin to read these, which ones are you planning on continueing, Pottsie?

Hopefully all of them. I will finish Into the Future, when I've finished The Phantom Menace though.
08-13-2006, 6:57 PM
This looks promising, but there's one possible mistake I've noticed - Grievous' line ''The Republic is a sinking ship and you will soon!'' - this sentence seems unfinished, I'm thinking of ''...soon sink with it'' or ''...soon realize this for yourself'' or something like that.
 Diego Varen
08-13-2006, 7:00 PM
This looks promising, but there's one possible mistake I've noticed - Grievous' line ''The Republic is a sinking ship and you will soon!'' - this sentence seems unfinished, I'm thinking of ''...soon sink with it'' or ''...soon realize this for yourself'' or something like that.

Thanks for that igyman (Must be writing Chapters in a rush), I'll correct that now.
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