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Good Reads

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08-07-2006, 9:13 PM
This is where we talk about books. Post your good reads here.

I recently went to the library and picked up The Debutant Divorcee by Plum Sykes. I've read a little of it before in my vogue and it's really good. I also finished Hannibal last Tuesday and it's now my favorite book ever.
08-07-2006, 9:42 PM
My favorite books of all time are The Hitchiker's Guide books and the Odyssey.
 St. Jimmy
08-07-2006, 10:02 PM
My favorite fiction books ever are the ones I'm reading now and they're called. The Wheel Of Time. They're by Robert Jordan and they rock all over the place. They're so detailed and consuming. The also have quite a large fan base. I'm up to the fourth book of the series and there's about twelve. They're rather large, (this one's about 1031 pages). I've read plenty of books (and I mean PLENTY) and these are the best so far. I could rant for hours but I won't bore you. They're all over google if you want to check them out.
08-07-2006, 10:09 PM
Anything by Ayn Rand.
08-07-2006, 10:40 PM
Alan Moore rocks so hard. And his untamed facial hair reflects his sanity perfectly.
08-07-2006, 10:47 PM
Right now, I have to go with Smon on Hitchhiker's Guide, and I got a series of books called, "Remnants", which are apparently discontinued.

Time line of Remnants:
1. Earth gets hit by a metior, scientists and wealthy peopl sent out to space.
2. People land on alien ship which the land scape if formed by art peices that were logged on the ship.
3. There are three main races, The riders: Aliens with two heads that ride hover boards, Blue Meanies: A race which floats around in UFO looking armor, armed with flechettes ( shotguns. And the squids: Squids that float, and shoot lasers.
4. The ship is called Mother, and has gone crazy due to lack of interractment.
5. The Remnants want to control Mother.
6. Books series ensues.

The books are as short as chapter books, but highly entertaining.
08-08-2006, 1:05 AM
08-08-2006, 10:13 AM
110 people who are Screwing up America.

It has interesting viewpoints that I don't totally agree with but its nice to see something from another side.
 zelda 41
08-08-2006, 7:41 PM
I'd have to say my favorites are The City of Ember and The People of Sparks. Kinda long, but still great.

(See, even a "dumb" person like me can read long books, too)
08-08-2006, 8:25 PM
"The Last Book In The universe" is pretty good. Hamlet was ok, except how everyone dies.
08-08-2006, 8:30 PM
"The Last Book In The universe" is pretty good. Hamlet was ok, except how everyone dies.
I loved The Last Book in the Universe.

It really said a lot about society.

And of course, don't forget To Kill a Mockingbird. (
08-08-2006, 8:36 PM
To Kill a Mockingbird is one of my favorite books. God, I love Atticus.

If that's how you spell his name...
08-08-2006, 9:55 PM
I'd have to say my favorites are The City of Ember and The People of Sparks. Kinda long, but still great.

(See, even a "dumb" person like me can read long books, too)

I kind of consider Harry Potter long, not City of Ember...

(Great books though.)
08-08-2006, 10:01 PM
Ok, longest bokk you ever finished.

Hannibal with 544 pages in the paperback.
08-08-2006, 10:04 PM
Probably Harry Potter, seeing as I haven't finished Hitch-hiker's guide yet.
 St. Jimmy
08-08-2006, 10:41 PM
When I finish the book I'm currently reading it will be my longest at 1031 pages. But, untill I finish it it would have to be one I read not long ago at about 844 pages.
08-09-2006, 1:18 AM
I liked Ender's Game, and other Orson Scott Card stuff like Cyrstal City(I think that was the title). The Halo books were very enjoybale to me. Except for the 2nd one. They got some new writer to do it and it stunk, but the other 2 are great.

Nickel and Dimed helps you see just how hard it can be to make ends meet in America. And Flags of Our Fathers which is about the flag raising at Iwo Jima.

On a lighter note: Real Ultimate Power by Robert Hamburger was a deep and insightful look into your own soul.
 zelda 41
09-09-2006, 7:27 AM

Anyway, yesterday I got The Last Book in the Universe and fineshed it like five hours later. It was odd and I say what'ed it have to do with a book? Still, better than most of the crap we have to read.
 St. Jimmy
09-09-2006, 7:39 AM
I finished a book recently called 'Journeys with Gelignite Jack'. It's a mad book. Wicked old though. It's about these guys who were outback car drivers and they were asked by a oil company to test their oil. So the guys decided to do a tour of Australia over the roughest terrain you can find in the hottest heat anywhere in places where humans have never been. (It's a true story BTW) Crap, the things these men did! The mere fact that they went accross the Australian outback in an Austin 1800 and a Mini is astounding by itself! But they were completly on their own in a place where if something happened they would die...
Anyways, it's a good book. it was written like, 50/60 years ago or something. Read it. Now.

 zelda 41
09-09-2006, 7:59 AM
Now I'm reading an old book The Phanthom Tollbotooth. It was written in 1962. So far, it's interesting
 St. Jimmy
09-09-2006, 8:09 AM
People underestimate old books. I'm currently reading (among other books) The Mechant Of Venice by Shakespeare. It's great. I've read three different versions and I'm currently reading the original un-edited version and because I've recently immersed myself in Shakespearian reading, I'm finding it surprisingly easy to understand.
09-09-2006, 9:10 AM
Thanks for ressurecting it. I read 'Bergdorf blondes' by Plum Sykes, it's pure bliss.
 zelda 41
09-09-2006, 9:17 AM
What's that about?
 Det. Bart Lasiter
09-09-2006, 2:31 PM
Perl in a Nutshell. Good book. About Perl.
09-09-2006, 8:24 PM
You people with your jobs and your money, and the ability to afford books from O'Rielly.
09-09-2006, 8:27 PM
..I get half my books from the library. That rent them over and over until I'm either finished with them or bored.
09-09-2006, 8:32 PM
Turns out a buddy of mine swung a job at the Outback I didn't get the job at, must get job, so many crappy things I want.
 Det. Bart Lasiter
09-09-2006, 8:35 PM
Turns out a buddy of mine swung a job at the Outback I didn't get the job at, must get job, so many crappy things I want.
Were you going to be a waitress?
09-09-2006, 8:39 PM
Were you going to be a waitress?
I was going to wash dishes *******.
 Det. Bart Lasiter
09-09-2006, 8:41 PM
I was going to wash dishes *******.
Just because I'm an ******* doesn't mean you should call me an *******, *******.
09-09-2006, 8:44 PM
Just because I'm an ******* doesn't mean you should call me an *******, *******.
Here's ( a book for you, you whorish ****faced ****ing ****ed ****.

Featured on Penn and Teller: Bull****!
09-09-2006, 8:46 PM
The Artemist Fowl series by Eion Culfer
Velocity, Odd Thomas, and Forever Odd by Dean Koontz (the character Odd having no relation to my screen name)
Needful Things by Stephen King.

Those are my favorite books of all time, but there are more good books by Stephen King and Dean Koontz.
 Det. Bart Lasiter
09-09-2006, 8:49 PM
Here's ( a book for you, you whorish ****faced ****ing ****ed ****.

Featured on Penn and Teller: Bull****!
Oh yeah, well ****************************!
09-09-2006, 8:49 PM
Try reading the original James Bond novels. They're surprisingly erotic.
09-09-2006, 8:52 PM
Try reading the original James Bond novels. They're surprisingly erotic.
So is the Bible, of course its never good when the pages of a Bible stick together.
 Mashi An'krekku
09-09-2006, 8:55 PM

The play Inherit the Wind. It's a fictional version of the Scopes Monkey Trials. AND
09-10-2006, 2:32 PM

The play Inherit the Wind. It's a fictional version of the Scopes Monkey Trials. AND
I'm an evolutionist. All because of this comic (

Great expectations is a good read. It's a little hard to read, but that's why theres cliffnotes.
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