help! i have made my own side called JDI which was in the tutorial under making a jedi. and now i want to custumise some soldeirs but its sooooo confusing can anyone give me some tips and an explanation. thank you very much.
steve aka wazmol69
How far have you gotten already, is your side completed, do you have everything you need in your scripts?
Are you at the point of wanting to change the weapons or skins....etc?
i have set up my side to the point where in the create a jedi tutorial it says – A Jedi: Components and the Character ODF. basicly i am not making a new side im changing the IMP side. anyway to the point...all i want to do is change soldiers weapons but it seems impossible i have tryed changing darktroopers weapons and jettroopers weapons by copying the assets/sides/imp to Data_ABC/Sides and thats okay but when change the weapons in the odf files for the dark trooper when im done i save and munge and the darktroopers weapons are still the arccaster ect. when i play in my new world.
p.s thanks alot AceMasterMind. you have answered all of my questions in this forum. your a real life saver.
OK, so you've changed the weapons that you want to have on your Dark Trooper, but have you added this to your ABCg_con LUA located in:
ReadDataFile("dc:SIDE\\imp.lvl", <=======if your side folder is named "imp"
So it should look like this:
"imp_fly_destroyer_dome" )
This tells the game to use your Dark Trooper rather than the shipped game's Dark Trooper.
Then munge with your side(imp) and common selected, and it should work.
sorry but i must sound like a right noob but please... can you make me a short tutorial on how to edit a dark troopers weapons from scratch.
sorry my friend but i can mod other things but not weapons :headbump :headbump
This is one of the tutorials that i used, it is for the republic, but you'll get the idea of how it's done.
This is of course assuming that you already have your new side made.
Let's say you wanted to change the weapon of a clone trooper. For example, you want to give the Jet Trooper a Rifle and the EMP Launcher. So you go to
and open a file called:
The bottom half of the odf should be something like this:
WeaponName = "rep_weap_inf_emp_launcher"
WeaponAmmo = 4
WeaponName = "rep_weap_inf_pistol"
WeaponAmmo = 0
WeaponName = "rep_weap_inf_thermaldetonator"
WeaponAmmo = 4
WeaponChannel = 1
WeaponName = "rep_weap_award_pistol"
WeaponAmmo = 6
You should change it so it looks like this:
WeaponName = "rep_weap_inf_rifle"
WeaponAmmo = 4
WeaponName = "rep_weap_inf_emp_launcher
WeaponAmmo = 0
WeaponName = "rep_weap_inf_thermaldetonator"
WeaponAmmo = 4
WeaponChannel = 1
Then you add this after so you can enable the AWARD rifle:
WeaponName = "rep_weap_award_rifle"
WeaponAmmo = 4
Save, munge, and play!
when i change weapons for soldiers it doesnt work but for example if i wanted to change in the ABCc_con.lua the rep_inf_ep3_jettrooper to rep_inf_ep2_jettrooper_sniper it works but i cant acherly change weapons to what i want. any explanations?
You have to make your new side first, just follow the "BF2 Jedi Creation" doc, but instead of making a side folder named "jdi", just copy the "rep" folder from your BF2modtools/Assets/sides and paste it into your data_ABC/sides folder.
You must also copy the "common" folder from BF2modtools/Assets/sides and paste it into your data_ABC/sides folder.
Lets say you want to change the weapons on the "rep_inf_ep3_rifleman" but you want the rest of the units remain unchanged.
Go to your data_ABC/common/scripts/ABCc_con.lua
and make the soldiers list look like this for the republic:
ReadDataFile("dc:SIDE\\rep.lvl", <========added this line
"rep_inf_ep3_rifleman") <====moved this line below it
Then close and save, you are done with the lua scripts.
The "dc:" tells the game engine to use your "rep_inf_ep3_rifleman" rather than the shipped game "rep_inf_ep3_rifleman".
Now you want to change the weapon.
Go to data_ABC/side/rep/odf folder and find "rep_inf_default_rifleman", then open it and you will see this:
ClassParent = "rep_inf_default"
WeaponName = "rep_weap_inf_rifle"
WeaponAmmo = 4
WeaponName = "rep_weap_inf_pistol"
WeaponAmmo = 0
WeaponName = "rep_weap_inf_thermaldetonator"
WeaponAmmo = 4
WeaponChannel = 1
WeaponName = "rep_weap_award_rifle"
WeaponAmmo = 4
WeaponName = "rep_weap_award_pistol"
WeaponAmmo = 6
VOUnitType = 121
Lets say you want to give this "rep_inf_ep3_rifleman" a EMP launcher and the rifle.
It will look like this:
ClassParent = "rep_inf_default"
WeaponName = "rep_weap_inf_rifle"
WeaponAmmo = 4
WeaponName = "rep_weap_inf_emp_launcher"
WeaponAmmo = 0
WeaponName = "rep_weap_inf_thermaldetonator"
WeaponAmmo = 4
WeaponChannel = 1
WeaponName = "rep_weap_award_rifle"
WeaponAmmo = 4
WeaponName = "rep_weap_award_pistol"
WeaponAmmo = 6
Then save(close) and munge your side(select rep in the drop down menu) and "common" the first time, then if you go back into your side(rep) later and make more changes you just need to munge your side in the "Side" drop down menu.
On a another note: if you want unlimited ammo for your weapon, just change the number beside "WeaponAmmo = " to "0",
So it will look like this:
WeaponAmmo = 0
Hope this helps,
when you say munge with rep and common how do i do that do i tick the common box??
you guys that are having trouble with mods, there are some doctumentaries in the folder on my computer. simply open up my computer go to your mod tools folder and find the doctumentary folder it has a lot of good info
By default, the "common" is automatically checked, just click on the drop down menu at the top right beside:
ABC:Worlds Sides:Nothing <=====click the down arrow and a list will expand downward with the name of your side in it.
Select your side "rep" and munge, and your done, go play.
thanks alot AceMasterMind you have done it again and it works perfect thanks alot. but one more thing is it possible to edit a mod that i have downloaded and is there a way of getting my sides to work on an allready created map? thanks again.
its problem time again. i did the same with the jettrooper as i did wth the rifleman but the weapons havent chnged? here is what i have done:
ClassParent = "rep_inf_default"
MaxHealth = 300.0
PointsToUnlock = 12
UnitType = "trooper"
AISizeType = "HOVER"
ControlSpeed = "jet 1.50 1.25 1.25"
JetJump = "5.0" //7 //The initial jump-push given when enabling the jet
JetPush = "8.0" //The constant push given while the jet is enabled (20 is gravity)
JetAcceleration = "30.0" //Acceleration while hovering.
JetEffect = "rep_sfx_jetpack"
JetType = "hover"
JetFuelRechargeRate = "0.12" //Additional fuel per second (fuel is 0 to 1)
JetFuelCost = "0.16" //Cost per second when hovering (only used for jet-hovers)(fuel is 0 to 1)
JetFuelInitialCost = "0.25" //initial cost when jet jumping(fuel is 0 to 1)
JetFuelMinBorder = "0.24" //minimum fuel to perform a jet jump(fuel is 0 to 1)
EyePointOffset = "0.0 1.8 0.0"
TrackCenter = "0.0 1.8 0.0
TrackOffset = "0.0 0.0 3.5"
TiltValue = "7.5"
//These probably need to be set
//EyePointOffset = "0.0 1.8 0.0"
//TrackCenter = "0.0 1.8 0.0
//TrackOffset = "0.4 0.05 2.8"
//TiltValue = "3.5"
EyePointOffset = "0.0 1.3 0.0"
TrackCenter = "0.0 1.3 0.0
TrackOffset = "0.0 0.15 3.5"
TiltValue = "7.5"
//These probably need to be set
//EyePointOffset = "0.0 1.3 0.0"
//TrackCenter = "0.0 1.3 0.0
//TrackOffset = "0.4 0.2 2.8"
//TiltValue = "3.5"
WeaponName = "rep_weap_inf_rifle"
WeaponAmmo = 0
WeaponName = "rep_weap_inf_chaingun"
WeaponAmmo = 0
WeaponName = "com_weap_inf_thermaldetonator"
WeaponAmmo = 0
WeaponChannel = 1
WeaponName = "rep_weap_autoturret"
WeaponAmmo = 0
HELP .... again
Since you already copied the "rep" folder from BF2modtools/Assets, you can just go back in your data_ABC/side/rep folder and make changes to the jet Trooper the same way you did with the rifleman and then munge your side "rep" again.
Everything looks OK, it should work.
is it possible to edit a mod that i have downloaded and is there a way of getting my sides to work on an allready created map? thanks again.
I guess if you have the "source files" for a downloaded mod then it is possible, but you would need to ask the creator for them.
okay thanks and can i have an answer to the other question about the jettroopers weapons thanks.