Split from original thread, here. (
http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=149134) -RH
Edit: Thanks RH, however just as a note to anyone who may use this, imageshack seems to have gotten rid of some of the pictures I used to help describe things, sorry if it gets confusing when I refer to a picture
Edit2: I re-did the tutorial and tested it, works good, you can download the tutorial here (
Edit3: I doubt anyone uses this anymore, but since the pictures are completely gone, thanks imageshack!, anyway if you want the tutorial to be in any way comprehensible you have to download the version I uploaded in Edit2 above
TSL Custom Blaster Bolt and Blaster baseitem Tutorial
First of all you need Fred Tetra's Kotor Tool:
Download Here (
and a .tga file supporrtive image editor, e.g. Photshop
and a Hex editor, I use this one, it has a nice "find" feature:
You should have comprehensive .2da editing, hex editing, re-texturing and .uti editing knowledge before you try and follow this dense tutorial
Step One: Locating Necessary Files
Open up Kotor Tool and following the following path:
Kotor II --> BIFs --> 2da.bif --> 2D Array
and extract the following files: ammunitiontypes.2da and baseitems.2da
(or just use the .2da files currently in your override)
Now open up ammunitiontypes.2da and take note of the following columns:
(model, model0, and model1)
Now choose which basic ammunitiontype you want to base your new ammunitions type on, for this tutorial I'll base mine off of the "Ion" line, row 2. Now take note of the model names from the columns I told you about. In this tutorial they are: w_laserfire_b and w_lfire_pb_b1.
Now, back in Kotor Tool follow the following path:
Kotor II --> BIFs --> models.bif --> Aurora Model
and search for the model files that you "named" above
Note that Kotor Tool isn't in alphabetical order so it may be hard to find.
Repeat the above step except find the .mdx models:
Kotor II --> BIFs --> models.bif --> mdx
Note that they should be in the same area you found them in the Aurora Model section
While you are extracting model files extract the blaster model files, both .mdl and .mdx, there wont be a picture, but they are near the bottom, I will be using w_blstrpstl_003.mdl/.mdx
Now extract your .uti file:
Kotor II --> BIFs --> templates.bif --> Blueprint, Item
and extract: w_blaste_03.uti
You should now have the following files:
ammunitiontypes.2da; baseitems.2da; w_laserfire_b.mdl/.mdx; w_lfire_pb_b1.mdl/.mdx and w_blstrpstl_003.mdl/.mdx and w_blaste_03.uti these are all the files you need except for the texture files which we will get later.
Step Two: Hex Editing the Blaster Bolt Models
Now open up w_laserfire_b.mdl with your hex editor and search for the line that contains the
"word" Fx_laser_01
You need to do two things with this; firstly you need to rename it, for this tutorial we'll rename
it this way "Fx_laser_98", you may rename it to whatever you want however even,
blasterbolt aslong as the same number of characters is maintained i.e. 11. Secondly just
remember it for when you extract the texture using Kotor Tool. Now after changing the "word" to
what you want, save your .mdl file and rename it, for this tutorial it will go from
w_laserfire_b.mdl to w_laserfire_m.mdl
Now open the w_lfire_pb_b1.mdl file with your hex editor. Now look for "fx_laser_02" and
"fx_flare01" and rename them to, for this tutorial, "fx_laser_99 and
fx_flare99". Also remember them for later extraction, now save and rename your .mdl
file to, for this tutorial, "w_lfire_pb_mv.mdl, also be sure to rename the .mdx files to
match their corresponding .mdl files.
Now open up both of the model files you just edited, one at a time and locate and change all of the
lines that say "w_laserfire_b" to the same as the name of the file e.g.
"w_laserfire_m", do the same for "w_lfire_pb_b1" and change the lines to
"w_lfire_pb_mv" and save your files.
NOTE I'm not 100% sure this is necessary, but better safe than sorry.
Step Three: Extracting and Editing the Texture Files.
Open up Kotor Tool again, but this time take the following path:
Kotor II --> ERFs --> TexturePacks --> swpc_tex_tpa.erf --> F
and extract the aforementioned files: fx_flare01; Fx_laser_01; fx_laser_02
Also follow this path:
Kotor II --> ERFs --> TexturePacks --> swpc_tex_gui.erf --> I
and extract iw_HldOBlst_001 your icon.
Now open them up in Photoshop and re-texture to your pleasure, from what I observed, Fx_laser_01 is the normal blaster bolt; fx_laser_02 is the power blast bolt, and I can't put my finger on what fx_flare01 does :). Now save them as the new names you gave them, e.g. Fx_laser_98; fx_laser_99 and fx_flare99, be sure to save them as 32-bit .tga files. That's it for texture editing.