wedges commandos is now recruiting
we support battlefront 2 and we will have more games too come soon we are not fully organized but we are a clan who will be kind and respect u.
Our clan is growing in numbers and we are wanting to gather as many commandos as we can get. we do not care if u are anti-rebs or something like that. and we are a clan that will be very kind to all the players in it
our rules are
No force push, pull, or choke
Keep Language PG-13
Participate with the clan on a weekly basis, if you cannot show up, post on our forums OR ELSE.
No whining
Once again....PARTICIPATE
I cannot stress to say how important it is to particpate and stay active, that is our number one rule.
Have Fun!
Join Wedges commandos today !
You can contact me by emailing me @
or my xfire is gmccrayon