This is a dumb game inspired by the Other in my signature.
Basically one person makes a quote that sounds like its from a movie trailer and the next person continues.
In a world gone mad...
One peanut can save everyone...
And Richard Steven Horvitz...
In an epic tale of crime and corruption spanning four incredible years...
a story that will make you and cry, then laugh again, then maybe some more crying...
where only the one who holds the key is the one who lost it...
Directed by Ron Howard...
It's the cinematic masterpiece that will have saying "Oh ****" *explosion* it's...
A grand display of emotions, chucked at you and kicking your ass...
For the enslaved black man...
...who lets his fists do the talking so he can defeat an organization devoted to destroying the world...
...when a crazy-ass, gun-toting man...
...gave it two thumbs up...
and then contracted myxomatosis...
But only one man's......... best friend....
...will die in seven days...
from eating too many bannas......
See it 03.56.-1 in a galaxy far far away...
IN THE FIGHT OF HIS LIFE... save himself, from his greatest enemy... himself... IN A FUTURE WHERE...
One apple can prove that sweet rules over the sour, and when...
Someone utters the secret word, people SCREAM! *ding ding ding ding ding*...
Where the blood of the innocent runs into the sewers... the final showdown...
Against the evil being known only as-
...the ones who want to themselves... a garage, beside a house, there is...
...One ring to rule them all...
...that's power can destroy...
everything we hold dear...
More so than anything else...
...could be the one who could be the one who...
(Also, behold Darth Ave! You have more posts than anyone else on the LFRD so you get this! (
Ate all of the blueberries in the pie on the windowsill of...
the axe wielding homocidal mainiac's basement! and he's the one who just might...
...just be the chosen one...
(Me and Avery are waiting @ DF studios, hurry up!)
...who will tip the scales of the enemy and restore balance to the universe, but...
first must complete a set of 12 very difficult tasks.. which include...
Sitting through a seven hour lecture about how to use a computer, watching a marathon of the Brady Bunch and reading A Farewell to Arms fifteen times but just before he undergoes this torture...
..h emust BRING IT ON in a worldwide dance competition to win her heart...
and the race to EB games!
Where there was going to be a sale but the ...
I can safely say this has run it's course, the truth of the matter is I had an ulterior motive for making this thread.
I wanted an idea for a flash movie, so I made this thread to get a free script. Luckily I did, so I integrated it into CSG5. Enjoi. (
Wow, that was umm awesome? I guess you did a good job.
I liked the Restroom part.
Everyone look at mr new RPG "Duty Call's" !