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Yay Squidi's back!

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07-23-2006, 5:14 PM
I knew keeping it in my daily bookmarks wouldn't let me down. (
 Zetz Darke
07-23-2006, 7:19 PM
Aww I missed Squid :)
07-23-2006, 8:46 PM
I thought this was Purple Squid coming back.

07-23-2006, 8:50 PM
NOPE! But I so got you, even if I didn't mean to.

Squidi is a legend in the webcomics biz, some hate him (Penny Arcade and BtC) some love him (KidRadd, myself) but his assinine political views will keep people reading for years to come.
07-23-2006, 9:23 PM
I thought this was Purple Squid coming back.

Same here. Although you think she would have created the board herself instead of Smon.

That comic still wasn't very funny.
07-23-2006, 11:03 PM

I like Squidi's comics... AMD, AMDW, ZotLD, not so much that sci-fi one... and most recently, AA&A.
 Det. Bart Lasiter
07-23-2006, 11:21 PM
Who the **** is Squid and why haven't they posted in this thread yet?
07-23-2006, 11:24 PM
Squidi, Squidi, he's a cartoonist I'm a big fan of. I've been following his works for a while now.

Though I suppose my fandom wouldn't carry over here despite so much I have in common with everyone else.
07-24-2006, 12:15 AM
Who the **** is Squid and why haven't they posted in this thread yet?

Although there was a forum member named Purple Squid as well, arguably a big loss here. I think its a shame he/she/it/they left. (Always thought of PS as a girl, though I don't remember if PS was a boy or girl.)

She will be missed.

But that's not what this thread is about!

I use to ready the medival/fantasy comic of Squidi's, but I stopped and don't remember why...
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